Gypsy curse# 6 FINAL

Shi felt helpless in the clutches of the doe, bouncing on hir large dick, pinned against the wall.

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Shattered Salvation, Draft 1 CH 38

His fur was matted with blood and normally he didn't care for that sensation, but right now all he cared about was that alex was pinned against the wall, and that they were almost touching.

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The Old Boss

It was impossible to escape--the big rat had me pinned against the wall. (i didn't want to escape. why on earth would i want to escape?) mister rockwell saw my panic, and only smiled. why should he be concerned?

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No More Work at the Office

She pushed the chair back, just enough to leave the cow on top of it pinned against the wall behind her. no pulling those arms up, and as the snake bent down, she seized freya's legs and pulled them up.

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A Pleasant Present (part 3)

I pushed back, slowly we stepped until i had her gently pinned against the wall, she was panting. it was really hard, but i only managed to ask her if she was alright five times. she nodded and licked my cheek every time.

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Did I... Want This? (Rape Fantasy (ROUGH DRAFT))

The next thing i knew, i was spun around and pinned against the wall, his strong hands holding me back, rendering me helpless. i couldn't think, nor breathe. everything was happening so fast.

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A vaporeons new life 2

When she gets in, she finds dusk pinned against the wall and tom fucking her ass. "we were watching you" he says when he sees her. "peeping tom, i'm going to have to punish you" she says moving over next to him.

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Playing Fetch

Sef was pinned against the wall, unable to do anything but watch as it approached the ship. as it set foot on the deck of the ship, the gleam of its pink eyes became visible first.

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The Grey Room

pinned against the wall, i am at his disposal, his and his alone to do with as he wishes. love floods my heart, swelling with pride that i am his slave and i am here for his pleasure.

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When jail's not good enough (Master Tiger vore)

pinned against the wall there was nowhere to run as with a snakelike side-to-side movement her jaws slipped down over his upper arms. tigress swallowed and powerful throat muscles gripped the leopard's face, rolling over his face and pulling him along.

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'Twas a Night Full of Yiffing

against the wall cold hard bricks on his back our dear vulpine, he spreads legs wide, fondles his sac and then that of the wolf who gets into a rhythm his back arches in to rid wuffballs of jism it starts working, as sex is oft wont

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Trouble by the Pool (Diapers)

Tyler started to look down at the ground while he remained pinned against the wall. "you're a real role model for your kid, there," said michael in a bitterly sarcastic tone. "what kind of coward picks on someone with their dad?"

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