Fav Teacher Chapter: 9 Birthday Love

As a way of thanks i will re-edit the first 6 or so chapters so there not as much of a eye sore to read. i look back at them and my brain hurts at how i did them.

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Re-Upload God Killers: Frost--Chapter 1: Meet Frost

This is one of my older stories, i haven't had much time to go over it, but i thought i would do a re-edit of it, and see what people thought.

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Eli & Troy & The Blue Mounatins Part 1

**this is a re-edit of the story eli & troy & the blue mounatins series this is part one of the story i hope you enjoy and i hope a better rating from before is included. enjoy the read!

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First Time, Part 2

Well as i said it has been many years since i first posted, and well after re reading the first copy, i thought rather than pull it down and re edited it, i will leave it up and see how well i go on from here, hopefully up and onwards. lol.

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Archive Sub Rosa-Chapter 1

And even since then, in trying to re-edit the story for clarity or to make it more robust i found i wasn't enjoying it anymore.


Hirsune Pt. 17 - It's a Madhouse

Ky knew well that there would be people who would try to re-edit the video footage to serve their own agendas, so he was being as careful as he could. "a hirsune doesn't becum sexually active until they reach puberty.

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R-Evolution: 7: Discovery

Because there are literally year wide gaps between writing phases, this chapter seems a bit choppy to me, but because i have to be at work at 8:30 tomorrow morning i'm not going to allow myself to edit and re-edit it into the middle hours of the night

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Prologue Part 1: Ghost Busted

Also, i had this story posted on fanfiction.net, but it had some chapters taken down, so i decided to re-edit and post here. hope you all are pleased!

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Dragon's Gift - Chapter 1 (EDITED)

#2 of dragon's gift here we go, chapter one's re-edited story. <3 i hope you all enjoy ^.^ if you would like to support me and view the next chapter's edit a week prior to sf/ib/fa, please visit tessy here:https://www.patreon.com/posts/dragons-gift-2-3518219

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The Great War,Hell Division, Heroes Of The Dovahreich Chapter 3

#4 of the great war,hell division, heroes of the dovahreich hi this is the next chapter in my story line and it will pick off where the last one left. in this i got particular help by bewildered_cougar in fa to re-edit the story for me. so a shout out to

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A good night

I have a few more of these completely written out, but apparently i'll have to edit them, upload them (which deletes all the formatting {stupid freaking notepad}) and re-edit them so they don't come out as one massive paragraph.

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Sirius Fun - Part 1

It's a three-parter, and it was fairly heavily edited (i even had to re-edit the last third because i lost the completed version). still, i hope this version of it entertains you. enjoy.

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