WOLVES MIST - Chapter 5(.2)

Chris shuddered again and looked away from the mangled and destroyed work of an artist that was now long dead and wondered at what the people who had once lived here must have endured when they were set upon by such destruction.

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The Heir: United Once More

Eradus's eyes looked around confused as he saw all the mangled bodies. "it-- it killed them!" he uttered breathlessly. "get it," he felt a hard slap across his face. "the fuck," and another, "together!"

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As he looked over the mangled, desecrated body before him, his attention was distracted by the sound of scuffling paws.

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Five Night's at Freddies 2: Theories

_ not only the new eight (freddy, bonnie, chica, foxy, toy freddy, toy bonnie, toy chica, the mangle ((mangle was an attempt to make a better foxy, but malfunctioned and instead made an attraction that can be put together and taken apart by children.)

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A weekend with Sis

She lowered her knee slowly letting the mangled organs free as he sunk down her shirt falling with him as he slid down onto his knees. her nipples poked exitidly through the shirt.

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The Dark Descent Chapter 11

Like the mangled, it is a hybrid of two different creatures. unlike the mangled, this creature is huge in size, and appears to only reside in the water.

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Raiyev Part 15

He looked again at the mangled bodies covered in blood and vomit. some of them, he saw, were children. at this, he fell over on his side and bawled, crying uncontrollably. what had he done? how was this possible? why had he done such a thing?

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Merciless ch. 1

When all was silent the wolf put the uzis back in his coat and walked through the mess he had just created. i tried not to look at the mangled bodys that had once been furs and followed the wolf out the front door.

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The Grandmaster of Sarthas - Chapter 19

Having just witnessed this impossible spectacle, alhundro quickly grabbed a hold of a nearby support, just in time as the flying double stomp landed on the mangled remains of the cloth, wood and straw dummy.

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Old Home, Part 2

He gulped, and ran down the stairs in a hurry, afraid of what he'd find, leaving the mangled, still-open body part bleeding in the elevator cab.

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The Warrior's Dove Ch: 5

Coming upon the ancient words, i saw the mangled body of a dog. a dog i recognized from my minds locked chest. a small flash of steel came, and within his paws was a blade, a wakizashi drenched within blood.

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Blood, Sweat, and Diesel: Chapter 4

I put myself back into a sleeping position, and tried to pull some of the mangled sheets back over my body. a small part of me didn't want to go back to sleep, for fear of repeating the dream, but a bigger part of me was tired, still.

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