The Rikifur Chronicles: Chapter 4 - Pursuit

airy no longer complained of the smell of the blanket or jak's breath. they both smelled bad enough that the blanket didn't matter, airy perhaps worse than jak, for she was still covered with the kryfe blood.

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The Rikifur Chronicles: Chapter 31 – Winter of Discontent

Jak departed with a heavy heart knowing the divide olivia had created between airy and he was becoming unbridgeable. vaun remained for a while longer equally certain that he was doomed to lose airy forever.

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The Rikifur Chronicles: Chapter 21 - Wolves

airy had vowed not to talk to cat ever again, but cat's honest admission of her folly softened airy's resolve to ignore the feline. airy even found herself sympathizing with cat's feelings of gullibility.

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The Order of Future: Chapter 2 - Eru the Guardian #2

She nearly had forgotten airy. "ah, right. sorry airy. this is an urgent message and i need you to relay an order to marching order to all our warbands currently available. if i see this right...."

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The Rikifur Chronicles: Chapter 13 - The Aarosht

** **janyff spoke as she offered airy a cup full of a pungent, smelly liquid. "too much drink last night." airy gratefully accepted the draft and drank it in one long swallow.

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Runaway Experiment Redux - Part 5: Confrontation

airie and lithium grinned, picking up the uniforms and examining them. "perfect. nice work, tsing-tao," airie complimented the cat. she then picked up a security tag.

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Runaway Experiment Redux: Part 3 - Relocation

airie said, with tsing-tao and lithium nodding their heads with her. truthfully, airie was a little hesitant about going after this plant, considering that they could end up inside of it as victims themselves.

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