Pokemon: Moral Shadows- Chapter 0

anyways, i'm rambling now, and i'm fairly certain that you didn't come all this way to hear me babble about my philosophy.

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Werewolf Tale II - Chapter 24 - A Cautious Halloween

Nothing besides trick-or-treaters had passed by so far, but a part of him expected shane to ignore their discussion and watch the house anyway.

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Selestral 1 - Genros Legacy - Chapter 2, 3, 4

Perhaps cyron is right anyway. she has learned what but does not guarantee the right thing."

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Oh Brother, where art thou?

anyway, there you have it, zyf. \*names have been changed.

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Chapter 3 - Liek and the Crazy Killer

Why would she side with the freak anyways?! i'm her son so she should be saving me from all of this trouble. cultural experience my ass.

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MHO - The Cult of the Crimson Isles - Chapter 16

Still half convinced this is a weird dream anyway," kalei said. "same here," hoku agreed. "doubt anyone would even believe us." "deal!" kani added.

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Chasing the Sun - Chapter 25: The Things We Would Do

The plan itself sounded nice; he used to want to go somewhere for the summer holiday anyway, but he had a job now, and he wasn't sure about leaving it for two weeks.

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CatDance #4

The giantess smiled, "if udaran moves out, k'rris will find anyway he can think of to follow. be assured of that." | [!

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A Noir- Prolouge

"we were leaving anyway," he said, "stay here as long as you need." i nodded absently, barley noticing as the police left the scene.

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Yeah, well anyway..

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Golden Age: chapter 7: the Self-aware Hound

I'm gonna get kicked anyways. i braced myself and... there we go. this kick didn't feel like one of skia's, though. she would have gone straight for the balls, for one.

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