Scent of Domination - Part 2 [Commission]

"I'll get it!" Lan shouted excitedly from the kitchen as soon as his big ears heard the doorbell ring. The English lop hopped his way out from behind the kitchen counter, his small and fluffy rabbit tail wagging excitedly above the short, navy-blue...

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Scent of Domination - Part 1 [Commission]

The busy city street was bustling with life as the two male rabbits strolled down the pavement, the honking of the cars and the chatter of the other animals surrounding them not in the slightest bothering the couple as they conversed with one another,...

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The Thief and Two Stallions

The cold, torchlit corridor flashed past Veti in a gray blur as the cloaked serval ran as fast as his paws would let him. The small sack, packed with jewelry, silverware, and a few decorative dress ornaments clattered behind his left shoulder as he...

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Stallions After Sunset [Commission]

The setting sun dyed the treetops above Haley's head orange with its dying rays, slowly descending below the horizon, casting a pink and purple hue onto the once blue firmament. A cool breeze toyed and twirled in the blonde, bearded centaur's sturdy...

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Team Claw! [Commission]

You silently stared at the gently waving grass beneath your paws as you wandered forwards aimlessly, the gloomy sense of disappointment still weighing down your thoughts. This was supposed to have been your big chance. To claim a gym and finally start...

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Elora and Spyro

You swallowed nervously, staring wide-eyed at the pointed tip and crimson shaft of a very hefty dragon dick, the bulbous base of which was currently pressed against your rump while the rest of its nearly 15-inch length was leaking extremely thick pre...

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Spells & Sketches

"...And that about concludes our introduction into spatial magic." Vengir sighed, the large orange plume on top of his scaly palm disappearing in a puff of smoke. The robe-clad dragon with green scales snapped his fingers, igniting a small flame...

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Ridden by Royalty [Commission]

The courtyard of the vast medieval castle was as busy as ever with all kinds of different animals streaming across and around the large open space at the foot of the bombastic stone structure. Horses, donkeys, and bulls were being loaded up with cargo...

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Eon Incest [Commission]

A heavy groan of frustration left your mouth as the hot throbbing sensation in your lower body sunk its claws deeper and deeper into your psyche, disturbing every single rational thought passing through your head. And you were supposed to be a psychic...

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Celadon Nightlife [Commission]

"I told you, you shouldn't have gambled all that money! Our trainer is going to be furious when he finds out!" "Babe, you don't fold on a full-house! How was I supposed to know that Obstagoon had four of a kind?" The loud argument got carried...

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Not Just A Greeting [Commission]

Ruby yawned as she descended the stairs to the first floor in the loosely familiar house, the pleasing aromas of a breakfast getting cooked drifting into her nostrils. Her equine tail lashed excitedly behind her as she stretched her arms above her...

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Hot Humps [Commission]

"That's it, son! Make sure you milk him dry! ...Wow...I can't even imagine how much cum those puppies can produce...We hit the jackpot!" You cracked open your eyes, feeling drowsy as usual as you woke up from one of your teleportational dreams....

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