Cosmo Soup [CM]

After such a long time, what felt like years to Cosmo, finally came the day she'd always desired and imagined. She couldn't imagine anything more erotic and enticing than to feel that wet maw of Derek's closing over her body, tasting every inch of...

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Insatiable Hunger [CM]

It all started like any other night Derek and Lyren would hang out, catching up on the week before going out to hunt and returning to eat while they both took turns reading books about what the world would be like in a few thousand years, where...

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An Arcanine's Warmth [CM]

The soft crackling of the dying embers whispered among the family as they all prepared for a good night's rest, zipping up their tents with a few friendly jokes and a smile. The laughter from one of his younger siblings rose above the chirping of...

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Interwoven Souls - Chapter 1: The Glow Among The Shadows

The blanket of darkness in the sky weighed heavily over the small city, smoke rising from the chimney of a nearby restaurant as the humans, anthros, and ferals alike carefully walked the streets. The waxing crescent of the moon rested among the...

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Interwoven Souls - Chapter 2: Resentful Bonds

The forest swayed in the soft breeze, the chirping of crickets sticking out like a sore thumb from the horror that had unfolded earlier that evening. Mono could feel the thick bile and digestive fluids covering his clothes and exposed arms, heart...

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Interwoven Souls - Chapter 4: The Sinful Maw

The soft glow of the amber horizon splayed itself calmingly across Mono's desk as he sat back in his chair, the edges of the wood turning golden from the brightness. He turned to face the rest of his room and Vera who stood by herself in the middle...

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Glowing Passion - Raffle Prize for: Demonark669

Unco had grown up in a small town near the oceanside, spending his free time when he wasn't at school or studying looking at the water, marveling at how big the world truly was from the little place he called home. He'd traveled to the bigger...

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The Mirror of Flames [CM]

The flickering of his amber torch glowed softly over the old stones covering the interior of the buried temple, the soft pitter-patter of rain from the surface above dimly heard as he ventured onwards. He nearly jumped as a drop of water seeped...

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Dragon Stables [CM]

The chirping of crickets filled the furred dragon's ears as he padded through the grass carefully, head held low as he approached the wooden fence, reaching to place his forepaws on the top of the bar. Using his strength, he pulled his body up, slowly...

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Embracing Instincts

The first thing she felt was a sudden jolt from beneath her, a loud thud rousing her from her dazed and thoughtless sleep. As the world around her drifted back into focus, she numbly became aware of the soft brush of wind flowing over her body, a...

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The Golden Aviary [CM]

A soft groan escaped Hestia's lips as her mind began drifting back into her body, drawing out from her thoughtless sleep, realizing from the chill against her feathers that something felt... off, despite her being unable to remember what for the moment...

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A Dragon's True Colors [CM]

"So, Sam, you are fully aware that, after signing the contract, you're legally bound to be treated as a feral pet dragon both by your owner and by others, knowing there is no turning back after the procedure has finished?" He took in a deep...

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