Love Everliving - Chapter I

Hai everyone, I'm dusk, been writing stories for a while now, just never put them up. This is going to be my first complete story, consisting of multiple chapters, comments are welcome, criticizm encouraged. Tell me what y'all think. As a warning, the...

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Die Welt des goldenen Mondes (Kapitel 26: Ein Hintertürchen für den zweiten Akt?)

(Kapitel 26: Ein Hintertürchen für den zweiten Akt?) Nach wenigen Sekunden, in denen er nichts von ihr gehört hatte, drückte Reiga seine Finger samt Höschen noch etwas tiefer in sie und bewegte dabei nur leicht seine Fingerspritzen. Wieder stöhnte...

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Love At (Current) Site Act 3

Link to part 1:[]( Link to part 2:...

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A wonderful Life-Spyro's cotinued story-ch.4

Thorn woke up to find Silver still laying on top of him. By the look of it she was still asleep. Thorn remembered quickly what had happened last night. Where they had become one. Where they had fucked. Thorn was about to roll Silver over so he could...


Bud and Khan, pt. 2

_For all people who watch me, I'll be putting more detail into this, so have fun. X3._ _ _ Khan woke up to Bud's kibble breath and slowly rolled him off, not realising they were laying on a comfy couch rather than on the...

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A Dark History, a New Story

_Every single thing in the universe has a history, but only a few things have a story, what's the difference? You'll have to find the answer._ A Dark History, a New Story... (Prologue) Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Jack,...

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Love & Joy - For The Love Of...- part 5

PARTS SO Far -------------------------------------------------------- Part 1~what a mess - [Read Here](%5C) Part 2 ~Emotionally Dead - [Read Here](%5C) Part 3~The Oblivious Truth - [Read Here](%5C) Part 4~If a Tree burns? - [Read Here](%5C) Part...

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Love & Joy - For The Love Of~ part5

PARTS SO Far -------------------------------------------------------- Part 1~what a mess - [Read Here](%5C) Part 2 ~Emotionally Dead - [Read Here](%5C) Part 3~The Oblivious Truth - [Read Here](%5C) Part 4~If a Tree burns? - [Read Here](%5C) Part...

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Forbiden godess; Part 1: The parasite lives

I was just normal... This kinda stuff only happens in movies or strange video games, regular people like me live a normal life have a normal exsistance and then die a normal death without some strange thing like this happening to them. Yet here I am on...

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Das Dorf der Veemon

hi hir ist der dritte teil meiner story wie immer von iceTiger überarbeitet ich hoffe sie gefelt euch und nun fiel sparß beim...

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Feline Love - Chapter 17: Lonliness

Feline Love Chapter 17: Lonliness By: copyninja One week's passed. Max is still in Japan and I haven't been able tor reach him for quite a while. None of my emails have gotten through and when I try to call long distance, the phone gets...

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Feline Love - Chapter 16: Mating Heat

Feline Love Chapter 16: Mating Heat By: copyninja I just closed the last suitcase and turned to my lover as I stretched. "Mmmmhhh! It's sooo good to be home." Max smiled as he hugged me. "Yeah, but now were're up to our necks in...

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