Paraskepite- Chapter Seventeen

We betta get outta here, like now." bill said and he cautiously made his way back to the opening. joseph tried to reassure him but he also had to keep an eye on dr. ami as he was venturing off to find a live specimen on his own.

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Bulls Life: Hello…Bunny - Part 3

"ya have ta get used ta it, you've got a week ta get betta," he slid up and softly kissed my stomach resting between my legs. i shook my head and they all three cuddled up against me.

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That Awesome Kegger

"so, i look any betta yet?" ah, the magic of booze. \* \* \* finding an empty room was the hard part. quite a few people had already paired and in a few rare cases tripled or quadrupled off.

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Gortoz 'A Ran - ch 73 - Me and my funny accent

Blain betta take gud care of yoo, radda then shacka shacka with dem skettle gyals, seen?' 'hehe... uhm...' 'noooo, it's not like that, man.' 'aaaaaah... dat's what i an' i said 'bout shantese...' 'you still together with her?'

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Subject #5: part 1

Shaking her head she said "sar, fergot what it was te not need to talk smoothley, fel betta now?" "i don't want to go back there," i said.

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Friends Forever

"i'll make it all betta!" he said confidently. he then kissed her knee, then her nose, like what his mommy did when he got a boo-boo. the silver wolf then cocked her head and asked, "what's your name?"

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Emerald Secrets: Chapter 5: Temple Problems

"you betta offer him somethin'." merlia whispered, leaning in close. "dats how dragons work remember lass? favor fer a favor." of course, how could she have forgotten about that? it was what had gotten them into this whole mess to begin with."

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Getting the Mail(And some Tail)

"oh it betta be peaceful. didn't move out here by chance-i was toldnothin' happened around here so i took it. i betta not catch ya tryna throw no parties 'r nothin' like that you youngins love havin' t' disturb us old folks."

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Shadow of The White Citadel- Chapter Twenty

"i dunno what your plan is but you betta stop! the last thing we both want is for 'your' husband and 'your' sons to come to harm. if you keep playing this dangerous game you might find out the real cost you have to play.

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Into The Abyss

betta asked her as she fire kicked ogun to ashes. "you should've helped eli to forget," a rat with pigeon wings told her while disintegrating into dissolving pigeon feathers in front of her.

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Chapter 2: TWAAAGHRK!!!

And bloody right, me arse iz betta den yawz. tweenk had long taught his two underlings about what orks were, what they did, and why. and why it was so good. but as their questions grew with their ages, he answered those too.

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Jackalman vs. Rocksteady

Shulda known betta than ta mess wit tha masta." thinking quickly jackalman made a show of breathing heavily, distracting rocksteady from the hand that was slowly creeping below him.

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