What Went Wrong - Scene 6

Giving the younger one a chance to lap and bunt against the ballooned nature of such haunches for a few moments as his lungs took a break.

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Presto - Chapter 5

Orange and purple lights painted the turrets, black bunting and balloons were fastened in nearly every corner of the architecture. a blood-red carpet had been rolled out like a proper howlywood event, and low fog oozed along it eerily.

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A Clean Start

"and kit fox's 3rd base bunt, can we say..." jace sat up quickly, passing through the foggy dream cloud of the husky, as he snapped back to reality. the dream faded from his mind, while his radio alarm went off beside him.

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Behind Blue Eyes

bunting... stackhouse... williamson... riddell, always riddell, they were inescapable, down-under or otherwise... neff... dykes...

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Forever at Freddy's

Bonnie dealt with the decorations around the walls - bunting, balloons, streamers and a big banner at the back - while sparky draped the tablecloths over the tables and laid out plates and cutlery. he also placed a party hat and gift bag at each place.

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Wolf's Journey - Kapitel 09: Die Aussprache

Das war die antwort auf die frage, warum er als panther helles fell hatte und warum er rote augen hatte. ,,ich hab bunte kontaktlinsen, um die roten augen zu verstecken.

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Bartan MJ

bunting around your belly plates and leaning towards your slit, giving it a few prods with his nose and a few tender licks.

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(ZOO) Rowan's Dilemma

Raine snorted and let her tail drop, as she turned back around and bunted him with her nose, making rowan stumble back against the stall door. "hey now, be gentle, you don't know your own strength!"

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Le diable dans elle lèvres

She softly bunts my neck with her nose, and laps at my chest as she continues further down my body. she blows a gust of air at my belly button along the way, for good measure.

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Anscheinend ist es nicht so leicht für einen nicht ganz gepflegt aussehenden straßenhasen (früher wären wir vielleicht mal feldhasen gewesen) mit bunt gefärbtem kopffell im stil der mohawks und zerrissener punkerkluft andere wesen zu treffen, die die gleichen

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I watched puige square around for a bunt and tapped the ball into play. he was expecting it to roll down the third base line being right handed, but physics decided otherwise.

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Cat in the Closet

Despite jose's skill, and that of his team, the opposing team was good while out in the field, catching many of the balls sent outfield, though they were slow to get the bunted balls, making for slow innings. after a few hours, the game came to an end.

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