Backstories: Boss Guillermo

Before the lapd caught on, he used various atms to turn all of the money into physical currency, and then laundered it by giving it to an "investment fund" used for covert and illegal transactions. that's when things started scaling up rapidly.

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BX-132 Chapter 4

Coordinating clandestine support of the dissident factions in the south as well as monitoring the midland intel network of covert operatives.

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Shere Kahn’s Revenge: The Wrath of Kahn

But rather a tiger, a huge ravenous tiger who was covertly stalking a human boy: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _carefully and patiently the tiger followed the boy at a

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Otters and Elves - Poem for Skipper~Heart

._ _their love would only stem_ _hatred if they were caught,_ _yet their love transcended_ _through life's limitations--_ _not even death offended_ _their covert relations._ _with one final breath, she_ _took his arrow with haste

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Standard Equipment (Pundamentals 3)

Females, gorgeous females, with bodies like you wouldn't believe, and feathers, feathers, feathers ... contour and flight, covert and pinion, downy and semiplume, every one of these fine babes had_feathers!

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Stakes in Space (Otherwise Untitled)

All was well; the ship still in covert mode and the sprawling construction of the currently abandoned space station lay some distance away.

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Black-Winged Angels Chapter 3: Journey to the South

"and your sudden approval of this covert mission is to find him, however slim that chance is." avila hesitated to reply.

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**the sandmen** , the designation for the various cybertroopers who are specialized for assassination, long range weaponry, abduction, and covert operations.

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A New Life in a New Body: The List

"like covert ops... or...," she inquired further. "more like longer than expected insertion," i cut her off. "so in other words...," she pushed. "yes, i was, i was damn good too," i told her. "what happened," she pushed.

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Disease, Chapter 1

That's covert ops 101, ivan." dyno said, condescendingly. "don't act like some secret agent hotshot! you're just a bear with a gun, and a couple of friends!

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Chapter 6: Blood

Solthas looked around the room covertly examining the robed figures in the back. he saw that the high priest was still glaring at him, "well i'm going back to bed. your friend's stare is starting to get to me."

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Ockham's Razor

Or covertly taken? if it had been and i didn't kill piers, he would use me as a hostage. given his personality, it seemed likely that he would kill me if it seemed like he couldn't win.

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