Christmas Sale! - ALT - ToS

Normally my book is on Kindle for 5.99 (that's pretty cheap considering how much work I put into it!), but for Christmas you can own my first ever published book, which is part 1 of about a 9 part series, for only $0.99 USD!!!!! Now that's a...

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A Bad Deal

"Hmm, well, maybe I don't need your soul" Said the wolfish demon, tapping his chin thoughtfully. "Oh?" You said, desperate for some way out of this situation - losing your soul was a fate worse than death, you'd heard, and you had to find his way...

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Magician's Deal

You knew what you were getting into by making a deal with a lust demon. many others would kill to be in your position, you know." they poked nerai's chest. "you're too cute to be a two-bit loser."

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The Deal of the Century

It was the best deal that she was going to get, as much as it stung her to admit it.

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Deal with a Hellhound

However one faithful day, the hellhound ended up adding in an extra term to their deal, and she has no choice but to accept...

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Dealing With Time

#1 of stories from the elder woods an aging fox is dealing with the effects of time. barely holding on to his territory, and struggling to catch any food. luckily for him, a spirit of the forest had been watching, and decides to make him a deal.

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An Enormouse Deal

Now that Blaze's kilt had arrived, the red panda would finally be able to leave his apartment and go shopping. Having been stuck home for weeks, he was itching to get outside and stretch his legs. Staying home wasn't all bad as it let him get caught up...

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Devil's Deal

The dark tower had risen up on the edge of the forest, and from there, a darkness spread. But, Sani did not bother himself with it. The sergal druid knows that his duty is to the forest's denizens and not to the trees or the land around it. As long as...

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Red's Deal

"Please, Red! Just give him what he wants!" The big bad werewolf stepped in front of the closet, ensuring Red would have to go through him to free her grandmother. Red sighed. She hadn't visited her grandmother in years, so she decided to make the trip...

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Ansley's Deal

"so, here's the deal," mason began, holding up the cockring--ansley could see that the silver band was infused with circuitry.

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A Sinister Deal

First, he had to deal with the special treat... carefully, with the help of his assistants, he lifted what limbless body of the wolf on a small cart he had prepared.

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Dinner Deals

Sunsets always seemed to calm Sam. Things were always winding down around the time the sun set. It was always more fun relaxing in the evenings when your boyfriend was visiting. Even more so when you're looking over the local restaurants on a food...

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