Legend of the Stone Dragon

It's said that every time the artist finds a descendent, he takes him to his stony cave and carves a statue. then he rips out the descendent's heart and seals it in the carving, turning the descendent into a monster like him."

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Johns story

Another error message pops onto the screen, this time a block descends resting against his lower back.

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Riko and the Tentacle Lab

Riko welcomed the tentacle playing with her cock, as she descended further into heat. another tentacle sensing this, descended from the ceiling it was a bit larger then the first and had large bumps along it's length.

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Serenifi: Great Scott! Part I: Scene 8

You've shown me that i'll have a descendant who'll be widely recognized as the inventor of real-life time-travel, and continue my legacy of self-proclaimed "strong" female "looney tunes" characters...

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Snow Bunny Ch.27

We are descendants of lykaios, the man. the descendants of caernyth are wolves, pure in their blood and power. they reside in the dragon lord burial ground.

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The Aces of Lylat, Chapter 1: The Orange Wings

Krystal quickly descended, heading so low to the ground that her arwing was almost scraping along the ground.

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Savage Princess: Chapter II: Battle of the Strong Spirits

"i am the descendant of tammel-ah," leorina continued, "he whom you have angered. if i order you slain, it will be done. if i want to strike you, i needn't even give a reason.

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The Day I Became A God 2

The sight is beautiful to see: a sweaty, pungent-smelling foot, descending from the sky and onto the regenerated micros below.

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Rhyne and Rhyn explain: Copyright

Rhyn: brilliant, so this prevents us from being used by commercial publishers for profit and the writer can transfer his copyright to his descendants?

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Ripples From My Mane Chapter 4

You are both descended from printus, and as many ideas as you have for the empire, i believe you would be surprised at how similar your aims are to akai's.

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Life on Planet Uedik (first part)

Holes began tearing through the flesh of the wings and as the raak began to descend towards the water, so did the zeppelins; they wanted this thing dead.

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