A Majestic Submersion story
In the distance, a serene scene unfolds--a pair of equines, one resting its head on the other's back. the dragon pauses, observing the peaceful tableau before it.
The Gift Of Beauty
It was really a serene scene, the sun having dropped just a little, now casting romanic, ruby red light over everything.
Trick or Treat: Chapter 8 (Patreon Premium)
It was a quiet and serene scene for the most part. in the distance an abnormality caught troy's eye and he had to squint to make out what it was. it was a figure on the sidewalk with their back turned towards him.
Coffee & Cream •Chapter 1•
Matt said, spreading his free arm out at the serene scene of the soft white fields of snow" and basically... nothing else but dorm room buildings in the distance also stuffed in the snowy blanket. "i'm cold.
The Hunter and the Gryphon: A Passionate story
The hunter's heart fills with a sense of satisfaction and admiration for the serene scene before him. he takes a moment to appreciate the simple joys of nature and the harmonious relationship he shares with his gryphon.
Tales of the Shop Keeper: Rush Week
No thrashings upset the serene scene though before long a sleek form slowly slid out of the bathtub, perfectly dry.
Through the Looking Glass: Chapter 7-A
The l.o.g. looked upon the rather serene scene, a soft glow emanating from the computer monitor that was his face before he offlined for the day, far from home but not from fairly reasonable company.
A Backwards World Of Forward People
Satisfied that his spaceship was secured now, he padded out from under it looking around at the rather serene scene.
A Magical Visit
Hir cheeks were rosy as shi sat in the comfortable warmth, enjoying the serene scene outside. winter was always so still, so calm. christmas was just around the corner and the chakat was getting rather excited.
Domestication Pt. 1
It was a serene scene, and its serenity was shattered by the loud buzzing of an alarm which startled the ursine out of his slumber. "nngh... fuck me... hey, jason."
Spreading the Fun
scene going on even with the movement that was happening below.
Carnal Confrontation
Gene and i just stood on the grassy knoll, flabbergasted at the serene scene. "are you sure this is the right place?" gene asked. "it looks way to peaceful for there to be any trouble here."