The Old Ways

The Old Ways By Zatarra L. Vulpe The trailer wasn't particularly large. There was an off brown carpeted floor, kept clean if a little ratty. The counters were plain white with fake wood inserts, a fridge jammed next to a stove and a sink. The dining...

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Blue Is The Mood Prologue

The kitsune sighed audibly looking at his phone. While the app assured him that his package was delivered there was no mail in his box or by his front door. He grimaced a moment hoping that he hadn't fallen victim to a porch pirate when with a...

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The Package

Sammy sat in his living room playing video games during the brisk autumn afternoon. Classes were done for the week and he could finally relax. As the early afternoon passed by, he was startled by a knock at his apartment door. He got up and opened it,...

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Distance Zircon: Part 1?

This lab was officially known as black site #32 but unofficially and more palpable to those who inhabited the black site it was known as distance zircon, so defined for the nearest trade route that passed by.

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Twokinds: Long Distance Relations

Natani became aware of his own excitement as well, growing again alongside keith's, but it was easier to keep it at a distance now that he'd already had some release. he had things to do beside pawing at himself -- or keith!

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Long Distance, Close to Home

Long distance; close to home copyright 2011 comidacomida paul felt his heart racing a mile a minute as the phone proceeded to ring. he heard the sound of it connecting, followed by "mein hund hauptbüro.

Poem #90: Distance and Time

Separated are we not by chains, not walls nor bridges, only by distance and by time.


Everwinter Ch27: Friction of Distance

"every packleader was issued one, a stone with crystals that enable you to speak with others over great distances. it's how i was contacted by my father while at the camp. i'd imagine their system works the same," clyde said.

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Focal Distance (Otherwise Untitled)

~ the rabbit's attention was slammed back into focus as a bit of the grass some distance away shifted in position for a few moments.

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Oh, Amore

Oh, Amore, nature's lover, You shot me with your crimson arrow. In my heart - a blooming flower, To my desires harrow. What once dead, now alive. All the tears that I have cried Now dried - oh, my love, you revive All the hope that...

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Rainy Day People

_With his girlfriend out of town, Zach Leon does his best to muddle through the business of running his father's motel. And serving as a voice of reason, in a bizarre little town..._ _It's Labor Day, so let's take summer out in style! Pretty much a...

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Silver Stream Memory 23

The room moved on for a fair distance passing by sets of furniture from chairs to sofas to l shaped sofas and intricate furniture of types white and complimentary to the berber.

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