Luck of the draw CH 2.

"Who did this?" my dads asked, "Ray,did" I say between sobs "damn he got ch'you didn't he,"Vixen says "where is he?," Donner asked impatiently "your not doing anything to him!," I shout. "Why not?," asks Rudolph "wait a second," he smriks "you like him...

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Luck of the draw CH 1

Thursday May 12 The sun bleeds through the window on this a lovely morning. I awake from my slumber and walk out of our bedroom and wade across the living room floor to where one of my wonderful 9 dads' is cooking breakfast yup, you'd think It'd...

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Who is Watching: Drawing the lines

She held up as his rear finally hit the ground quickly shifting the sword point to his neck before he could think of trying to drawing his second blade. with a flick she left the canine with a light gash across his muzzle.

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Drawing Disparity v.2

._ * * * drawing disparity setting down his pencil, the celebi sighed and shook his head gently at his newest drawing.

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Fates of the Unicorns 85 - Draw

Felena grabbed another form, turning it over and made quick, rough dragon kisses, almost as if she were back in school in drawing practice, given unusual and unfamiliar items to draw. this was certainly unusual!

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chapter 7 hair & drawings

Rock wall, it was thick still and i started draw shapes on the tan rock wall. anuything i had seen on the island, when i ran out squeeze more red berries . i kept drawing with only hand and the red jucie of the berries, i started to draw the .

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The First Penitatas - Luck of the Draw

He only stopped when he heard a familiar voice drawing closer, pleading as she came. "no! mom, not here! please spank me at home! please!" sam cried as she was brought into view.

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Furs~ (drawing-based story)

I found myself in a fancy neighborhood with expensive houses and large front lawns. And tucked between a large forest and a series of hedges separating it from another property, I wondered if I even came to the correct place. However, I did notice...

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Two Lovers Alike

The sun rises on the mostly-destroyed city of Philadelphia. Standing on a rooftop was Techie, a hitman to kill off his doppelganger. He jumps down from the building and rushes off, searching through the rubble to find his evil self. It was no use. Just...

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"and i like drawing pictures." he said, opening the book and showing the class his drawings, blushing as giggles and laughter erupted from some of the class mates at the nudity in the drawings. "why are you laughing?" morgan asked, hands on hir hip.

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Good Enough/Crossroads Chapter 3

A moment of silence passed as chance opened his sketchbook to a blank page and started to draw. he glanced up every now and then, but zack seemed so focused on his painting.

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Final approach: Jewels of Remorse, Heat Issue 11

\*-Track marker-.00341LY past slipset threshold/intra-sys coast at 67098kph. Decel start:-\* Korall hammered her hips as Sendris flushed tightly inside her. The raccoon grunted once as he went to the edge and over and the fennec astride him...

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