bowrll's Birthday - Bizarre Blessings

Just then, she felt a strong tug on her torso and heard a loud \*fwoomp\* noise, like the sound of a parachute opening. she looked up to find her hood inflated to many times its own size, acting to slow her descent.

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Fluffy Christmas

Her breasts pushed out with fwoomps and her buttocks swelled larger and rounder still. her hips widened even more, putting on extra mass in order to support her meaty thighs.

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Amber's 69 First Dates - The Fall Bazaar

"what," amber asked, joining the queue of cheerleaders-by-day that were hauling chairs out of the gymnasium storage room, "you helped me fwoomp the art room just so i could help set up furniture?" "'fwoomp'?

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A Second Date with Groovia

fwoomp! in an instant, lana's body had gone from lean to an hourglass shape. the woman's hips leapt out nearly a foot in both directions, while her rear swelled out further still. fat and muscle inflated in a wave across her torso.

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Amber's 69 First Dates - The Twin Paradox

The fwoomp room sign, though, only lasted four hours before mr stachowski cut it out of the wall. curley had been hanging out with her more, and he could go minutes at a stretch without glancing at her skirts.

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Amateur Heroics 2 - New Kid On The Block

Not as much hyper-fwoomping as my other stuff, but there's definitely going to be a lot of romance, and surprise twists. ok, not that surprising, but still hopefully worth reading.

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Amber's 69 First Dates - Midnight Friends

"you're taking an awful risk, showing me something like that, if you know about my tendency to fwoomp people who look at me cock-eyed." "good term for it. and it might be a risk, but... do you still feel that way about me?"

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Walking On Air

There have been a few times where i just \*fwoomp\* like a half week later in the middle of work and realize- 'oops, spell is still on'." since the spell is controlled by will- controlling it is as easy as simply wanting control it.

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Sweetiepie's Ending

It turned on with a loud 'fwoomp' and a beautiful cooking flame popped right up. shana could feel the heat from it. she squirmed in excitement! lance picked up his skewered squirrel sweetie and set her gently on the rotisserie.

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Garret's Journey

Garret's dewlap fwoomped up huge against his neck and chest, and the horny reptile advanced on his swollen friend to complete their fun and games.

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A Balloonie's Tale

A large inflatable tent of sorts quickly fwoomped up on the ground, which bore an uncanny resemblance to some kind of old style bouncy castle. inside it most certainly looked like one, a big open area filled with soft inflated rubber to lay on.

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