Through the Midnight (and Epilogue)

I don't think martyrdom is really worth that gamble to you. is it?" as soon as they consented, and the _suvla bay_ stood down, captain hill summoned zamora to his office.

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The Tomb of Lithescoast (Big-Red Gift)

With alek's plan broken and peace from my seeming martyrdom, they will no longer fear the growls of an old dog, and i can live here, in peace, seeing them when i please and teaching a noble visitor to our lands our ways.

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02 - Surrogates and Soviets

When the officers ran low on ammunition the survivors had retreated across a carpet of their own dead to go find martyrdom at another location. he'd heard about bombings, killings, rapes and arsons.

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Curse of the Shieldfall: Into the Dark

I've prepared a group teleportation spell, so if things look, you know, _bad_, you just give me the word and i'll pull the three of you out of there, no matter _how_ pissed at me jerroth gets about interrupting his martyrdom, okay?"

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Rob Has His Thorns

Success in the mission is second to the primary goal of notoriety, and martyrdom." dove looked at rob and brad with a smirk. "dare i ask why you named some of your security that..."

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The legend of a warrior; Chapter 54: Broken Heaven

Hell could not field so many high-tier demons as there were on the battlefield in that moment, and never before in its history hell had been so unscrupulous in sending whole divisions of elite gigataurs to the martyrdom.

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