The Cursed Tome

No one that ever went to the northlands had ever returned with any useful information about demons, or beast men, as the common folk called them. the one's that did return horribly disfigured and were driven so mad that they were not able to communicate.

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Eve of Destruction

"northland," she said. "well, specifically the transnarrows." i'd guessed she was from northland by her accent, of course--it's quite unmistakable.

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The Song of the Slayer - Prologue

It shall be told now, a great from the many tales of those northland realms raised beyond the icy peaks. sing, goddess!

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Mossflower: Behind the Bushes

It has been several days since martin the warrior mouse said his last good byes to his friends in the northlands, who had helped him defeat badrang at marshank. he had set up camp in a clearing in the woods.

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What Lies Beyond the Walls, Book I: Chapter 2

"actually, there are wolverines 'round the northlands." "lotta bad shite up in the northlands, plaskin. don't mean there's wolverines crawlin' 'round there," said dead-eye. bloodeye took a swig of grog.

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The legend of a warrior; Chapter 36: Glacial - Regina

In the northlands, everything is based on strength, power and honor. the sovereign of a kingdom is legitimated by its strength. physical and spiritual and morale.

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Exiles of Mossflower: Chapter Three

The matter of her name being settled, trembula quickened her pace and started whistling one of her favorite northlands drinking songs.

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A scouting a party in a small clearing, armed to the teeth and obviously from the northlands, were kicking some dirt over a small campfire and stowing their gear.

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The Conquering Elf

The trees here were evergreens, common to the northlands. kest occupied his mind for a moment with the question of how the builders of the city had managed to control the climate sufficiently to simulate the northlands within their walls.

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What Lies Beyond the Walls, Book I: Chapter 3

"yew know i used ta lead a group of bandits back in the northlands?" razzik shook his head. "wot about it?" "it was a small group, prob'ly just a score.

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What Lies Beyond the Walls, Book I: Chapter 19

Had t'eat rotten vittles when ah was growin' up in the northlands! ...had t'eat mah own shit when ah was really desperate.

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