Psionic Investigations Unit 2

The baron had been working on what was later called a 'psionic virus', effectively a psionic alteration to a few cells in one body that could then be passed on to another once getting in close contact with them.

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Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 3

Tenderheart walked up to him, "can you show me how to become psionic?" futureheart averted his eyes for a moment then turned back, "fara might be a better for that, she knows more about psionics.

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Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 2

Before fara could ask her follow-up question he sent a telepathic message to everyone present, _'yes, i am psionic.'_ "you're psionic?! i'm psionic?! we're psionic?!"

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Section 1: The Chakat Who Folded Hirself (First Draft)

psionics aren't very well understood as it is. we still don't know quite how mine works, i'm sure you will learn what your's does in time." ghost's ears slowly came back up as shi nuzzled hir fathers front legs. "i miss aunt aurora.

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Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 3: Chapter 10

Now he's little more than living psionic energy and if that suit loses power or is breached then his consciousness will spread out and dissolve."

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Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 47

Indy used the last of his power to throw up a barrier as psionic energy broke out all over mental heart's body and with one last cry, he exploded!

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Pandora's Templar - Chapter 19

For the warriors whom specialized in melee combat, to their armor i attached special forearm units capable of channeling psionic energy and manifesting it as deadly blades.

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The Bureau: Chapter One

Even though the bureau's goal was to ensure monitoring of all psionics, those working for the bureau were equally suspected and monitored. the idea behind that is to make it clear that everyone is a threat, and that no psionics could be trusted.

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The Bureau: Prologue

Most bureau employees are given a choice of housing based on their level within the organization as well as psionic tier in an attempt to retain as many of the powerful psionics as possible.

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Who are you, who am I?

And yes, once the virus takes hold in humans and smarter animals we all get psionics, though i haven't seen much of an increase in the psionic powers of humans who already had them before being infected."

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Joined in Mind and Body - Chapter 5

The computer paused for a moment, then replied, "partial answer due to access restrictions: an organic node was connected to the psionic communication network without an electronic uplink.

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Pandora's Templar - Chapter 27

"_ at this, i nodded, and then - with a briefly worded psionic communiqué - i asked the dragon weyr to keep the autodoc ready.

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