"Skylands: The Third Gate" chapter 1 (NaNoWriMo 2015)

It was probably why the raiders had chosen their flight path over this landscape.

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Eos 7: Ragnarok

Then, as she was setting down, a patrol of raiders rushed to surround her. "surrender," one of the raiders called out. nothing happened. the leading raider ordered the others to take positions behind cover.

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Sinking Its Claws Into Him

Unfortunately it turns out he's jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire, but the amusement park holds far more secrets than just raiders.

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Into The Woods - SHORT STORY

Four raiders moved in on them from behind a group of cars, their weapons drawn.

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Chronicles of the Wasteland Warrior Chapter 1: Prologue

The remaining raiders - a vicious-looking fox, a gnarled giant of a bear, and a scarred komodo dragon - charged up the stairs, claws, daggers, and nailed bat held at the ready.

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Chapter 21 “Hills have eyes”

Or are you raiders? you guys got a damn kid with you, that is fucked up if you indeed are raiders. stolen from his parents maybe? you guys are going to have a bad day, if you are indeed raiders, ill promise you that."

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Chapter 1 - Escape

The raider dove nose first into the buildings below. the last remaining raider fired a volley of rockets that hit the ground in front of the scourge, sending it flying through the air.

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All Bucked Up (Pt. 5)

Anna asked, "raider" i replied. "alright raider, if you'll follow us we'll take you to our alpha" slate said as they began walking.

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Mojave Redemption - Part 11

How long could the raiders? one question nagged at him more than the others though: why were the raiders chasing them this fervently, and all the way from the fort?

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Fealty: Conflict

If yauri and sayani were willing to let raiders into their city, the walls would be impossible to conquer. but if they kept the savage raiders away from the populace, then he might be able to overwhelm the city's remaining soldiers.

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All Bucked Up (Pt. 6)

"yes raider?" he replied. i leaned up as best i could and whispered into his ear "would you like me to help you with that?" i asked. alpha got really nervous as he backed away "i wouldn't dare ask something like that of you raider!"

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