The Charred Legacy - Prologue

It was then a small shift in the rubble moved... a pained grunt echoed the mine as the struggle of something began to try and fight its way out of is rocky prison...

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Remnants of Nocurin

It looks at me for a moment and relaxes its muscles, setting the spear end down into the rubble. "why should i believe you?" i motion to stand up, "may i?" it nods and takes a step back.

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Juryokine: Chapter Eleven

Though he moaned every time, toke still had to tug on the man a couple times to get him free of the remaining rubble holding him down.

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Dangerous Dynamo #5

As the fourth floor rudely joined the third and rushed toward second the oncoming rubble roared like a freight train. as such whatever dynamo said, as he thrust through it all, was lost on the older fox.

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Don't Fear the Reaper: Chapter 2

Then there was a loud boom and a crashing of rubble as he flew backwards and crushed the front of marty's mansion! the rubble kept piling on as more and more fell...coza was nowhere to be seen!

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Buildings were reduced to rubble and ash, which was then kicked forward by his foot, creating a dusty cloud. rubble ended up getting between the flareon's toes, as he made his way across the city.     "tch. dirt keeps getting between my toes."

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Conquered at Last

Walking around the charred rubble, the red razor watched the cleanup effort and early rebuilding of this section of the city unfold.

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Healing A Doctor Chapter 10

The sniper fired again the bullet hitting the rubble inches below nathan's exposed head. nathan laid down flat, keeping his head covered. he tapped brian's shoulder.

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Ablaze Ch.7: Battle of Senchen (4)

He keeps his eyes on a pile of rubble, the most convenient bit of cover ahead of him. the wolf ducks behind it, and catches his breath.

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More and more rubble piled around the ice pyramid, until volcan was in complete darkness, unable to see, hearing only the sound of the rubble sliding against the ice, and feeling the creeping cold of the ice around him.

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Pheasant Hunt 01 - Captured

An odour of rotting trash and feces filled the air, sticking between the tiny, old and rubbled huts. only a few inhabitants were visible.

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