What Goes Bump In the Night. Chapter Eleven.

"like a little lamb, strayed away from the saftey of its herd. the shepherd," he murred deeply breathing against his face once more. "no where to be seen as the big. bad. wolf. lurked in the shadows waiting to gobble up his prized meal."

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Dog Gone (15)

The summer heat was almost unbearable and we had escaped to saftey underneath a giant willow tree ontop of the hill over looking the lake. the tree drooped around us blocking most of the outside world in its canopy. the heat sapped our strength.

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Revenge of the Nerds

His slick member retreating to the saftey of his sheath once more. "oh good, still breathing." the fieldmouse cooed bringing the contraption up to his lips and taking a long slurp of the contents inside. the cream covered cat was truly...delicious.

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Dog Gone (1)

I closed my eyes willing myself to sleep, seeking the saftey of slumber. if something was going to happen i wouldn't be able to stop him anyways.

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The Brink: The day of opening.

"be safe my sister" sesom spoke lowly to himself and prayed to the makers of his race for her saftey. \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* it was just about sunset marduk had shot the

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The Prince's new shadow ch.2

Can he get over the fear of execution to free the poor creature and help get her to saftey. the prince's new shadowch.2 freeing the preya drunken wolf production "run, please don't let them catch you.

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A dog named Toby (3)

He just had to slip out unnoticed before he was given any more work and hide in the saftey zone of the break room where most of the hire official avoided.

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Bane's Untold Love Story

Silence reigned in the room, the child still sleeping peacefully in the big man's safe embrace.in this moment, there was saftey, there was relaxation, there was time to sleep, at least for the child, which nikki could now see was a small girl.

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Bane's Untold Love Story

Silence reigned in the room, the child still sleeping peacefully in the big man's safe embrace.in this moment, there was saftey, there was relaxation, there was time to sleep, at least for the child, which nikki could now see was a small girl.

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There she is...Chapter 10

Alex spotted bell off to the right, dressed in fatigues and a heavy vest, a pair of saftey glasses wrapped around his face. he held a paintball gun in his hands and he crouched behind a wall, ears pricked forward. "bell!"

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Trailblazer Part 4

Derra nods at his words "what magnum speaks is the truth, if we can have an option to get to saftey then it is a needed step, true if we get cut off we'll fight to the last but we need live warriors and not dead heroes if we can help it."

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Dog Gone (13)

There was a release valve inside and a saftey device. if the water filled up above your waist the drain would automatically open." i held my tongue. it was up to my chest by the time i managed to open the door. "alpha likes to have a clean environment."

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