The New Tales: Seventeen

"you used it all up at belleforte, serge." "have i? well, i must have." the sergeant looked into the vixen's eyes. "funny, though. had exactly sixteen bullets left." he made a tiny chuckle. "sir, do you require my rifle?" "hm?"

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We don't need to call the mage hunters (Applesandwich commission)

He turned to his crew and barked, "don't cast- serge, no!" too late. these small fry were so dependent on their sneaky little spells, they couldn't help themselves.

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U.O.P.I. Chapter 3 page 10

The serge yelled, i ran out as fast as i could and screamed as i fired my pistol, hitting all of the enemy troops then skid dived under near- by car rolled out from underneath it, flung my self up in to my hind paws took my sword and cut down every single

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Jem's Bad Week (Part 14)

Her squad had been running serge's obstacle course for five months. but today, with the war game against echo company ahead of them, the sergeant had arranged for them to run the course that _echo company's_ sergeant had been sending his squad through.

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A Shifty Situation

Almost as soon as she grabbed him, a serge of lightning could be seen to go into her and she dropped to the floor screaming and shaking in pain.

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Jamie’s Road Trip

serge after serge shot from his cock into the strange black material coating his body. as he recovered from his orgasm the material began to spread. jamie looked down to see the black goo creeping up his middle and down both arms.

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They already rang up from below, hot and ready to churn him up, loudly sloshing about in anticipation of a good boy all tucked down snug in his serg's belly.

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The Search Wolf: Chapter 1

_that was strange._ "are you okay, serg?" "h-huh? of course i am," sergio mumbled. his master made another gesture again, but now with a somewhat annoyed look in his eye.

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Tracy's Treatment

serge after serge of his cum pulsed inside. it took some minutes to recover but when he did he realise what he had done. he had pawed off in a diaper sodden with his own piss. it was at that moment his rounded ear heard a noise at the door.

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Jem's Bad Week (Part 7)

"please, serge..." her voice trembled, pleading, nearly a whisper. " breasts! i can't take any more..." the sergeant's stern face was touched by the slightest of sneers. "you'll find you're wrong about that."

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Wasteland Survivor – Reclamation - ch16

"fuck, serge she just pinned a spider to the wall." private ashfield said. "alright, letss work out how we will do thiss." cope replied with a nod to brian.

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Erotic Tournament (Part 7)

This sudden serge of pleasure broke flora from her state of ecstasy and with a smirk on her lips she'd slowly ride up and down the length of his thick member. wolf panted a bit at the feeling of the felines tightness around his thick cock.

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