LiM Ch13 (FINAL!): Fission and Fusion.

Drake snarled, making my eyes widen, very slightly, as i realized who the 'we' in his shakespearean past was. but that thought soon faded; he was talking to himself, and had almost completely forgotten i was even there.

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The Story of Sapphire: Chapter 25 - The Big Day

I see my various parts in shakespearean drama and comedy in high school and i whine, "mom!". everyone crowds around to see the scenes. tony's dad comments, "you look like you did well as an actress". i blush, "thanks".

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Fateful Happenstance: Chapter 5

The 'crazy' and suddenness of my love for him did _not_ reflect the unexpected romance between two imaginary, shakespearean characters.

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Above Average Part 17

Kyle responded in a slow dramatic voice as if he was reciting a shakespearean sonnet. "you can take your iambic pentameter and shove it up your ass. you made me late." tiffany grumbled as she checked her watch once more. "alright. alright.

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Brought into the Light: part 10: Sheath and Knife fan fiction

It didn't take him long to find the stage and booth where "mafisto" was set up to do his performances and as expected there was his snake partner aside him dressed in a red cape and red colored decorative hat that looked as if it came out of a shakespearean

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Welcome to the Rabid: Cry of the Wolf

She gave me the "we can still be friends" speech in a very nice, sisterly fashion, but i suspected it was planned and rehearsed in front of a mirror like lines from a shakespearean play.

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My Sword, My Clan 05 - My Electrical Revue

"i just thought all theatre was the same," said fg, "yanno, shakespearean stuff." "what is shakespearean?" asked navarro.

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Darkmind's Nefarious Plan

The fox shrugged, as if he was delivering a shakespearean soliloquy instead of an insane supervillain rant meant to bother the wolf's mind, his tail dancing about again in a kind of a strange sine wave pattern behind his spandex-covered rear.

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For Him and I Part 1

It wasn't quite shakespearean, but it certainly got the message across. clarissa pictured herself saying those lewd words, expressing them with a lurid tone more breath than voice. she couldn't help but move her lips to the dialogue.

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Teacher's Pet

"on the bright side, that means i can talk about one of my favorite shakespearean figures. how far into_henry_ are you?" the alpaca's hand went up again. "we've read it, and mr. elbert was explaining who everyone was."

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The hunt for Spectramon (part one)

As seen in the writing the work is an erotic parody based on the shakespearean work a midsummer nights dream with more erotic overtones. at no point is it the intention of the author, to exceed the provisions granted by "fair use".

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Meet The Neighbors!

Your reinterpretations of tolkien-esque fantasy within the spheres of shakespearean drama and modern class warfare was just mind-boggling! epsilon desperately needs more writers of your caliber!"

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