Reminiscences of a Seal

I skyped you about it quite a while back. you were cool with whatever i liked, though you joking said you preferred your best friend not be gay. i hated to disappoint, but that's the truth.

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True Feelings

["acewolfen"](%5c ""acewolfen"") acewolfen](%5c) wrote for me yesterday while talking on skype. this by far is the sweetest thing i have ever recieved. i love you more than anything my dear [!

Mounting Passion

There, down on the taskbar, was the skype window i'd never closed. _ohshitohshitohshit! i must have hit minimize instead of close!

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The Ultimate Winter Break- Chapter 4

Moving casually over to my laptop, i slowly open it up, alt tabbing out of skype to the desktop.

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Lament for a Puppy

#2 of poems a friend of mine lost his dog a year ago now, and talking with him on skype, i spontaneously wrote a poem. i'm not sure if it helped him, but it meant something to be able to connect at least. this is for buffy, forever a puppy.

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Entry 35

So, the five of us have met a few times, we keep in touch by skype with jeremy and emily and such and we've agreed to start looking into some of the weirder stuff thats been happening around here.

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Under His Spell

My friend biffiea suggested i post this on sofurry after i typed this up on skype.

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Gammia's second time with Samuel

Gammia's first time with sam was another rp, which is lost somewhere in the skype logs. i might go looking for it someday, but not likely. gammia is an active rp character, and always interested in meeting new people.

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The One - Part 1

Lacey laughed, the skype stream freezing in the middle. charlie heard noise downstairs, the rattle of keys landing in the bowl by the front door.

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White Elephant: Part One

Nathan was beginning to regret opening skype, but he waited for magic sex fox's reply. "actually, i'd say it's less luck than fate.

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Gortoz 'A Ran - ch 76- Never to be forsaken...

Shortly after that, sam logged out of skype and i turned my notebook off, sighing quietly when i closed it... i stared at it for a while when blain gently nudged me... 'you miss her, don't you?' 'yeah...

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Change of Perspective Title

Contact me, via note, discrd, skype, telegram, e-mail, and send funds to [velociraptortyrannous[at]]( there is no min to donate. this is a bonus for supporting this 10 month long project.

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