Stress relief

stu's ears perked up and he whistled through his front teeth. "land sakes... that's an impressive baton you're carrying, officer..."

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Jack Hopps Chapter 1 Part 2 of 4 (A Zootopia Story)

stu: wait up champ, don't leave our side like that it's dangerous out there... bonnie: stu come here. stu: what why? bonnie: look down at little jacky's shorts. jack's shorts had appeared to have a tiny petruding bulge coming from the front.

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Chapter 1 part 4 Dreamland

A knock on their door, stu got up to open the door hey guys said stu, did you guys have a strange dream?


Savage City; Final: Pain and Healing

He had asked stu if it was ok if he could use the scrap he had in the barn, to which stu said it was fine as he had planned to throw it out anyway.

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dinner under the table

stu just siting there with his eyes rolled back. arms under the table. as he tried to seem ok. but both of them knew stu was unloading in his wife. so none of them said anything until he seemed to be done.


Carrot Cake

How stu had broken up with his high school boyfriend to fit in with his parents expectations of at least a thousand grandchildren before they passed, and how bonnie had accepted stu's offer of a date because dating a bunny was so much more simple than her

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17 - Hitting the Slope

Toby put his paw on my shoulder as he wrapped it over stu's shoulders, and i rubbed the small of stu's back with one paw and put the other on his knee. "you've both added some muscle," observed stu.

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The Hangover

The ram worked his own thick pink blunt cocktip under stu's tail before starting to fuck the spotted canine, his hips bouncing off stu's firm cheeks and in turn bucking stu forward into the tiger's firm striped buttocks before him.

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