Galactic Ranger CYOA Part Two

Here are the verdicts for the protagonist ranger nero: 1 vote -random number 01-50 ranger scott: 1 vote -random number 51-00 result: 55 ranger scott for perks espionage: 2 votes wealth: 1 vote -random number 01-16 diplomat: 1 vote -random number 17-34 hand

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Protecting the Line, Draft 1, CH 07

Denton had to have embraced his wealth fully to live here now. good. maybe as a man of power their interactions would be easier. or at the very least more entertaining.

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A New Dawn - Chapter 3 (Home Coming)

I could easily believe that fact, the amount of wealth hanging on the walls in these vast tunnels was incredible, the number of weapons was enough to arm a small army.

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Enter the Madman

But it was a time of wealth and prosper, and those things do not come to people who aren't busy making prosper and wealth. nona was also a city filled with vast cultures and different exotic species and races. yes, nona was not just inhabited by humans.

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OR: Malonians

The dunaria clan is also bound to oath to provide protect the imperium's wealth, both the state's and its citizens', or else they shall face the consequences of being stripped of their rights as citizens.

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To Dream of Darkness - Ch 16

"you have gained a new identity, powerful social connections, and wealth. and the one that you took this wealth from still came out of it better than he would have." "yes, i think so.

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The Desert Rose

In correlation to wealth and power, only the wealthy and powerful were allowed to obtain such a beast as their slave as a demonstration of their power. the wealth went without mention, for tigers were quite expensive.

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The Loot of a Lifetime

A trait which now, they guessed, they had inherited along with their new wealth. the torch had gone out. at some point, by some method since bryll had flung themself forward into the mountain of gold, the torch had been extinguished.

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“The Khajiit and The Amulet of Divine Luck” A Story Inspired by Elder Scroll’s IV: Oblivion

You mean you have a magical token that has granted you such blessings and wealth?" the khajiit changed his smile from an ordinary to a big toothy grin as he knew he had the desperate imperial within his claws. "oh yes!


Backstories: Boss Guillermo

His wealth and power grew even further, and he even expanded out of state, and that got the attention of another crime syndicate: alex's family.

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The Thordani Heretic, as told by Thenyr Nontdargo

wealth, a magnificent home, undead servants who would never betray him. years later, a wandering priest came upon her manor.

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Reference Sheet

_vectra_ - the "new york" of agria, vectra is a city built upon technological wealth and the backs of the less fortunate.

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