I Want to Play a Game

Maxwell gasped in pain, panting as he grabbed his hurt hand. the pain and confusion made it hard to see anything. "just a scratch," frosty gave the wound a cursory glance before going over to pick up the key.

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Vex in Love 03

Ryalith furrows her brow, before moving to begin treating vex's wounds, using a mix of herbs and bandages to help the creature heal. it was a slow process, she had to be careful not to rouse vex.

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Sieg and Marien - A Basitin Love Story - Part 20 - Dark Offers

"six dead, fifteen wounded, eight of those seriously. ms. dawn doesn't think lee'elle or oaka will survive the night." "hayves, jenna, capella, sumi, barris, torrel, and now lee'elle and oaka..."

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Cosmic Stars - Chapter Fifteen

"gather the wounded. we're heading back to the ships and getting off this rock." "yes sir!" several of them shouted. calvin watched jun pick up the arctic fox and carry him back toward them all.

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Saved by Angels

The terran's eyes were empty as he walked on, shambling hopelessly as he clutched his injured shoulder with shallow breaths.

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Encounter With Two Hunters

The scrape throbs and makes the other lupine to gripe in pain as the wound clings on deep.

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381 The Nuclear Dance

But there's another name for it too, that seems to be something out of folklore - 'the wound in the world' although we haven't been able to track down what it means or the story behind it.

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Breaking Eggs

She brought blanche closer to give him a disgusting look: blanche's body was wounded nearly beyond all recognition.

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Augmented Souls Chapter 2

He knew just how much it hurt, he had to spray down the holes in his shoulder too. he looked to his cushion, seeing her bite pattern torn into it. "looks like i will need a new cushion."

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The Evil of Love Chapter 8

Itdidn't feel like it went in too far, but it was still a big bleeding wound. rulf's attitude quickly changed when he had seen just how badly taleen had been wounded. he didn't even know she had been wounded until she brought it to their attention.

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The Dark Descent Chapter 10

He kept on moving, wanting to find a safer spot than this place to treat his wound. he just hoped that this wound wasn't infected. as they walked on, the passage they were walking down got narrower, something that janus wasn't liking.

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The Draconian Story: Chapter 2

"uh...it's just a wound because i was tripped from..."

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