Original Orc Porn

Baruik was normally very wary of authority figures; especially ones carrying large weapons and operating in groups. one thing he had a hard time complaining about here though was the way the guards acted. he had been stopped a few times before.

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Physical Therapy

He needed to be reigned in, to know there was a strong authority figure watching over him. "you are here to learn boy, you will learn to behave, you will listen to your parents you, will stay out of trouble and you will do as you are told.

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Surfacing Emotions

She had a professional aura around her, one he appreciated, most likely it triggered his ingrained instinct to respect and follow authority figures. he was surprised and concerned when she sighed heavily, had he offended her?

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Female-On-Male Tickle Rape: Boldr

''hey, just because i'm a authority figure, that doesn't mean i have done anything wrong you hear?'' he said. ''hehe...... whatever you say.'' she said. and so boldr laughs and squirms at the mercy of the female wolfs.

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The Sheriff of Huxley

He was definitely an authority figure, but also a sympathetic guy. the kind you most likely would want to grab a beer, and spend the evening with. he apologized for henry's strange behavior and asked how i felt.

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But even they, authority figures, from time to time tortured and raped the fiercest fighters as signs of power.

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Abandoned Story - Virtual Story WIP

A stage had been erected and there stood a default male like myself with several other authority figures, waiting for the room to fully silence so that they may begin.

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Dr. Bastion, Experienced Therapist With Reasonable Rates

A act typically administered to naughty children by their father or another authority figure as a form of recompense. redemption. restitution." "i don't follow," the wolf said, trying to puzzle out the doctor's meaning.

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CrunchVille Days Off

It's hard to give a shit about what the world thinks or wants you to do when you're big enough to swallow authority figures whole.

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Instincts of Justice Chapter 1: Mysterious Nights

More so than i would think an authority figure would be." kyra showed her sharp teeth in another growl, "you impertinent cutpurse! i'll flay your hide and feast on your innards!"

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How Maple Town Became Slutty Town

The females blushed again as he spoke and continued to devote their full attention along with the boys, who now instinctively saw this literal alpha male wolf as an authority figure. "it's called sex and it's lots of fun.

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Room For Improvement, Part One

Rachel was so set in her ways as an authority figure that she was **still** trying to come up with a way to turn this into a moment that she could discipline.

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