Mercedes DiFavian's Background - Beginning pt.1

The others couldn't see movement with their eyes closed... nor could they see the difference between living matter and nonliving matter color-coded in front of them. true, i could not see light or color... but i saw... i saw...

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School For the Special CH 2

They seemed to be connected by a series of color coded monorails. i had trouble determining the size of each section, but i somehow got it. section a was the biggest. it spanned two miles, with various monorails and paths.


From Elsweyr With Love (#7)

She sat at the table, nursing her drink and traded some gold coins for the little color coded chips they used as counters. a pale khajiit sat at the end seat, quite a beauty she had to admit.

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Corruption Stream Story 8: The Halls of the Fox Mage

From what he remembered of the magic barriers, they had to be color coded. if the barrier was green, that meant the key was green. so, he just had to find something green and keep testing it until he found the one keyed to the magical wall.

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Shattered Freedom, Chapter Twenty One

"we got color coded paww units." vicky giggled handing domino, jade and vinnie a pink unit. domino frowned. "couldn't i help register the males?" modo flicked on his blue unit. "and have deprived males slobbering all over you?"

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Finding a New Self, Chapter 10: Turn of the Century

The priest repeated laitce's observations: "yes, the tapestries are color-coded by how much they did, and those three are brownish purple, bluish off-white, and dark green. and you're right, the dark green we see elsewhere is not exactly the same.

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Ch 1

The screen turned on and all the starters appeared on the screen color coded for their types. i stood there a little taken aback by the sudden choices being forced upon me. "i probably should have been thinking about this beforehand."

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Surgimorphs Chapter One: Under The Knife

"did you already sort it and put it in the color coded baggies we provided?" "yes ma'am" she pointed to a drop chute behind her that i didn't notice before. "down the chute mr.

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Waste Away The Day - 2

Bunch of lines, a legend, and color coded perimeters. who in their right mind requested to get a document of this detail crafted about illinus?"

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Smut In Space, Part 2! A Sci-Fi CYOA

"they're color coding the tourists?" tessa asked. "kinda?" todd said. "it's ... a system they've set up. if you have a green tag, everything's free. hotels, food, drinks, whatever." "and what's the catch?" tessa asked.

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Projectiles of Protection

He's going to all this trouble asking for the improbable, and with animal color coding protection, no less. he either really cares about animals, or is trying to hide something." light looked at him quizzically.

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I Think I Won This Round...

For a moment, his mind reeled and eyes blinked surveying the room in it's canine black and white color code again.

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