Legal Issues - Chapter 3 [TF / Cow]

A bunch of good natured drug lords generously sharing their weed." lynn gasped and then bit her lip. her index finger was in deep and it felt amazing combined with the pressure against her clit.

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Chapter 1 Beginnings

Crazy drug lord is trying to get us, getting money for himself, and monopolize the fighting industry with this drug." "what the fuck? you shitting me?" myles asked. "nah, dog.

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After the Storm - Part 22 [The Interview - Part 2]

"with all of the jobs that our agents receive around the world, all of the terrorists and drug lords taken down by avalon's men, why hadn't the media spread word of it?

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My Great Big Brother - A Band of Brothers

Taliban and al qaeda forces were known to back the local drug lords in return for weapons, money, and potential recruits from the bullied population.

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The Double Life - Chapter 3

I try not to think about any kind of paid work that i do for the drug lords and gangs, but hey, if it gets dominique to stop by again outside of jobs, or even for valerie to give me the time of day outside the store, i'll take the money for something i'm good

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Weird Dreams - Anders

The place seemed to be absolutely barren, somewhere only gangsters and drug lords would go. "alright boys, here we are" chardon announced, to which two other bears appeared. "this is lazar and shahaka, and they're looking forward to this."

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Identity: Chapter Forty-One

Taking out drug lords is one thing..." he gestured at the leopard. "this guy's just a kid. and helpless." but there was no sympathy in garrett's eyes. "stand back, ned" he murmured quietly. "this is part of my world, not yours. do not interfere."

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Just a Walk in the Woods - Ep6

_"speaking of further info, you wouldn't know anything about why a certain drug lord in this neck of the woods would inexplicably vanish, his organization fall apart and the drug gangs in the metro buzzing like a hornets nest with rumors that he offended the

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A Harvest of Souls

The drug lord frowned heavily. "you know, when we first met, i thought you were a sad, little man, but i was wrong. in truth, you're rather pathetic." "i'm pathetic?" inkuba laughed wickedly.

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Sinner's Garb

**Sinner's Garb** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by Mirath_ _ _ _ _ It did not happen where it was supposed to. Maybe an abandoned warehouse. The, now underground, drug processing facility. Such a fancy way to...

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A New Appreciation

Maybe i could roleplay this in my head, and make it that i was an international drug lord and he was going to interrogate me by sexual torture. the thought did make me shudder, and it made my cock stir but that was a bad idea.

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Shadow Part 1

The biggest drug lord in new sacramento? nobody has ever seen his true face or heard his real voice. "i see you recognize my name, mr. decacas. i suppose our paths have crossed once or twice before, correct?"

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