
An evil god? can i pray to it? "hey evil elephant god, stop breaking my fucking tire, thanks."_ "she's weird," rory tossed out. "and you're weird. weirdos." the microwave beeped, immanuel scoffing.

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Red Twilight God of Hunger Chapter 173

If springfield could find the family of adam crow, he could craft a spell that would shatter the bloodline, and with one-third of the evil god dead, cravixs would lack the power to jump between worlds and consume them.

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Kobold Kissing Lessons: An Offering to the Goddess

At least it wasn't an evil god. trust me, blood sacrifices can take a lot out of you." harmond blushed. shahaada was a local goddess of love, health, and fertility. all the peoples within and surrounding the great salt desert worshipped her.

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Tanya and Shiva

The earrings were brass castings of an evil deity from a popular fantasy setting the two of them were fans of; an instant resume for her personality. garyl lifted her up by her rear and onto his chest, her arms as far around him as they could go.

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Axel & Rena Part 20 By: Renatamer

It wasn't everyday you get to witness an evil god being submissive to what others believed to be the lowliest member of their tribe. ** ** slowly kimmy passed over to the room's door and slid it aside.

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TGJ #2, The Goat of Stone Point

Pet of an evil god had not been an exaggeration. goat was the closest animal to it. it was as tall as my chest; its pelt a sickly green color. four red eyes adorned its face. that explained a few things.

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FF: A Fallen Hero

There is a hundreds of things that can happen to them: they get eaten, captured, killed, get sacrificed to evil deities, kidnapped by creatures to serve as concubines, become the next hellspawn of satan, their souls stolen, and or possessed by evil spirits

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Ultimate Furry Crossover: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure Entry 24

Time and distance were always a little hazy in mirage's realm, and after being transported from what she supposed was the entry to the evil goddess' private sanctum into its depths, the intergalactic inspector was understandably a little disoriented

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Peace, Love and Understanding

That, in fact, the many long-decayed traps and wards placed upon the tomb were put there to keep out the tav, the marked ones who served an evil god.

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Hyla Brokenfang and the Tailor's Needle

Boskan was not necessarily an evil god, but he never did good in a straight-forward way. nor did he display his affections obviously. the mouths of totukepsan faded away: the eyes reopened. "i... i merely sense something is wrong about her."

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Draconic Lust

They could use these books to learn more about the evil god, and better act against her followers in the future. jalle couldn't help but glare at him, as all this went through his mind.

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A Mad Dash Through Time and Space - Chapter Two

An' then, as if all 'a that wasn't enough, another friend 'a hers has been kidnapped by some kind 'a evil god." "but... it's rainbow dash," replied fluttershy, wincing as zecora began bandaging her left wing after supporting it with a splint.

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