The Finer Things: Part Two

The gene therapy didn't take, and the toad had awakened inside of his nutrient bath prematurely. when professor glutgrave's team removed the volunteer from within the cylinder, he was horribly deformed.

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Commission: Voyage of the Symbiant

We shall feast tonight, and by tomorrow, we shall start the gene therapy for all. is that agreeable with you grist?" bristan asked with a smile. "indeed my selachi friend, indeed.

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If eric survived his gene therapy, would she be able to live with a hybridised human/cow monster? lacey was beginning to worry, both for her charge and for the fate of her programme.

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A Tortured Soul

In the new century gene therapy and gene splicing were a bit more common and a lot of rich pet owners had their pets enhanced in some way.

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Smuggle Kitty

His penis had been genetically enhanced by gene therapy from the meager four-inch length he once had. the enhancement had rendered him sterile with a slight bladder-control problem, fortunately he could still function sexually.

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Experiment 261 Chapter 3

Smiling with relief, he fetched the trolley and moved jana into the laboratory, next to the large heavily modified hyperbolic chamber that he had used on previous experiments on more willing patients when working on developing the next generation of gene therapy

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Springtide of the Black Rose: Chapter 13: Black Holiday

It was originally meant to be a gene therapy to counteract the effects of schizophrenia, dementia, and similar mental dysfunctions but nature is a huge bitch.

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Dr. Change's First Subjects

Tonight, however, we can do nothing more than let your body accept the new dna strands and gene therapy we have given it. among other things, food and excitement would upset your body too much, and we need to see if you react positively to the changes.

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Dark Horizon Chapter 3 Nikki

I had been working on a experimental method of which to treat genetic diseases using animal gene therapy well at least that's what i was told i was working on, we were getting to the final stages of the animal tests and results had been impressive, but the

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Interlude - Staff Meeting

Cattanzo: and is there any way we can use gene therapy or other chemical triggers to reverse the activation in our current subjects? tenneret: unfortunately, not that i know of. cattanzo: very well.

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'whatever this is, i'm sure it can be reversed through gene therapy or a custom retrovirus. you're going to be okay.' he would not go as far as touching his patient to reassure him. it was such an understanding smile it unnerved ricky.

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Misfortune's Call Ch1: Stolen

"and the gene therapy worked on an adult too?" his friend asked. he nodded, "yes, indeed, heheheh. we even changed her chromosomes around this time. this was that asshole you hit over the head." "hahaha! no kidding?

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