Avonture Cruises — Chapter 1. Welcome Aboard to Avonture Adventures!

First attempt in a multi-chaptered fic featuring my own fursona. yes, this is the first chapter of several more chapters to come. bear in mind that i'm a slow updater however, but please, enjoy.

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The Hungry House

The end result was this multi-chapter vorny fun times where a human eats his friends and steals their traits. chapter 1 the towering building stood before the dirty blonde haired human and his friends. their eyes affixed to the vibrant, red, oak door.

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Vacation Souvenirs—Chapter 2

This is the second part of a multi-chapter novella i've been working on--this part still has a lot of exposition, but more teasing and some more spicy conversation going on, with the really steamy parts coming in the future!

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Vacation Souvenirs—Chapter 1

This is the first part of a multi-chapter novella i've been working on--this part is mainly covering exposition and starting to get into some action with a few small teases here and there, but the really steamy scenes will be in future parts.

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Roadie Chapter 8: His Parents

Normally i'd avoid centering a holiday event around a multi chaptered story like this, but given the month i started writing this it only felt fitting to do so. felix, weiss, and chester belong to jeramiah chase. tiffany belongs to myself.

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Sometimes it'll split off into a few different ideas on a similar theme; sometimes it'll expand into a multi-chapter story series idea; and sometimes i'll add in elements that weren't there when i originally thought it up.

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A Tale of Two Foxes

Anyways, i'll be trying to write short stories for now rather than long, multi-chapter series, so don't expect a continuation of this or any of my old, unfinished stories.

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Sacrifice - Chapter 1

This is a slight edit (the last quarter of the chapter) to the sacrifice story and is being uploaded as chapter 1 of a multi-chapter story due to very good feedback from users.

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Exodus Fornicatio Chapter 1

So here we are with my first multi-chapter story. i hope you liked what you read. in the near future, our main character will face numerous challenges.

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The Divide - Chapter 4: The Skeleton Closet

This will begin a multi-chapter look into ta'kom's past and how he ended up at the little tavern. if you've read the previous chapters, i do hope you enjoy this one.

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Beer and Brothers - An ITNOV Prequel

The prequel to the multi-chapter story that was itnov; learn how lance and d'orca meet, and see just how much kraken has managed to work his way into sweet thyge's family. a story not to miss, for sure.

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The Orderly of Parleyville

The laughing elephant, the tilsbury well, the multi-chapter epic of the revenant serial killer known only as "rojo" (whose video game adaptation was in talks to be made into a movie, last lew checked)... all of them either got their start on fcpr, or were

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