Giving the Lumberjack a "Hand." (NSFW Pokémon Short Story)

Good to know that you've survived those near death experiences!" mason laughed. "tell me about it!" as the two continued chatting about mason's job, noah remained fixated on him.

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Can You See Me Now? (Pt. 1 of 5)

"did you ever have a near-death experience?" "come to think of it..." coda said, thinking back. "my apartment caught fire, and i woke up with my comforter covered in flames.

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Of cat and mouse - DRAFT1

As my heart restarts, it pumps a tingling sense of extacy throughout my body from the near death experience. not yet! you are delightfully playing with my emotions.

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Noah Kitsu's Bio.

And billy even managed to evolve into a flaaffy after a near death experience from one of the guards. the two also tried to help other minors escape with them.

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The Risk

"i'm ready, it'll take more than a near death experience to turn me off." "such a bad little fox." i continue to jerk him off as he starts to play with my own sheath. he draws my member out and positions himself over me.

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He lifted himself to his feet as the nausea set in from a near death experience. his body felt aflame as he stumbled into the village.

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Newfound Love Chapter 8

Just so y'all know this for future reference, but i've been in about 12 car crashes, 8 fire induced accidents, 5 car explosions including this one, 37 near-death experiences, 3 unsuccessful suicides, 2 gunshot wounds, and 1 recorded death.

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Dragonball Z fanfic Chapter 1: Fall of Planet Vegeta

After each near-death experience, a saiyan's power increases dramatically, and should a planet have a moon, any saiyan with a tail would transform into a giant ape. he expressed his concern to gohan, who looked over at the sleeping goku.

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Waking up - Night 3 III

I've got cat ears, nightmares, near death experiences, someone who loves me." i said. "not all of those are bad things by the way. i just don't understand why, or how they've happened in under three days. i don't understand how the cat ear thing works.

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Eddie Gets Laid

His heart still beating at a mile a minute, both from the near-death experience and from the presence of such a beautiful girl, all eddie could think of to say was, "g...good brakes."

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Love........SERIOUSLY!? Chapter 6

Having a near death experience causes you to enjoy life to the fullest. heck even ask aunty some time. she'll agree with me. so learn to loosen up a bit; enjoy life!" "i do enjoy life!" he defended, which earned him an evil grin on cadance's face.


Quest for Corsurus Chapter One

The raccoon was still a bit startled from the near-death experience and gave him a wild eyed look that made him shake his head and settle back into rock-like silence.

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