Dietary Changes

He smiled, his tail whipping back and forth as he lost much of his former self. tanya now, a cow, and not needing to have so many complicated things in his head.

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David's New Life, Part 3

Her tail whipped rapidly along the bed at her side as she realized what he was doing. his tongue made it's first swipe lightly across her labia. it's second was with a little pressure.

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Blessing of Divinity

Jason could do naught but moan and whine, held in place by the invisible force, tail whipping behind him, wings flapping as his shaft throbbed, the sensation of a cool, textured tunel continually moving past his shaft feeling as if he was fucking an invisible

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But before they could get close enough to strike him, his tail whipped out towards the human, snapping at it and hissing, revealing its poisonous fangs as it did so.

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.** **both combatants roared as they ran at each other, the shark swiped at the komodo, but he dodged and countered with a wicked tail-whip that knocked iron-claw right off his feet.

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Pokemon Love Games

"charmander use tail whip to get cyndaquill off of you." delto said. charmander agrees and uses tail whip to sweep cyndaquill off her paws and on her back. "now use sumbit o." charmander leans over and starts to lick cyndaquill's exposed sex.

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Good Moorning!

His tail whipped behind him, back and forth, arching and dancing in the air. rainy giggled and made little grabby hands for it, though it was too far away from him to reach.

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tail whipping, he dropped to all fours and started forward again, scurrying rapidly over the broken rocky ground like the large lizard he resembled.

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The Search For Tabitha's Parents (Part 1)

Tabitha and eugene both fly towards the plant then deliver double tail whips to pristine's chest that sends her flying back briefly before she recovers. "okay, that's it! the warm up ends now!"

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renes pool hall days part 1

Cat's striped tail whipped in agitation and renee just grinned. "i-pod withdrawal?" "yes! all day! i was at school all day without it." renee aughed at the way his sister twitched and glared out the window. the pool hall was only two stops away.

Teaser: Flight of the Fire Dragon

Her stumpy tail whipped in the wind, in time to the white streamers that fluttered from the wings.

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Childhood Nostalgia

Pat's tail whips behind their back. "but that wasn't true... i wanted to _be_ him." pat admits, taking a moment to stretch their legs, splaying their pawpads on the floor. marc stops combing to glare at pat.

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