A Rough Day

While sitting in class it started, the ache that starts in my crotch, and vibrates down my legs. I needed to relieve my balls, I needed to jerk off. But I think I'm getting ahead of myself. It started because my friend, Logan, came up to me before...

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A Rough Start

_Oh, lost soul wandering in the depths in the underworld. You who are forever banned from knowing bliss. You who refuse to be part of the wheel of reincarnation. You who have the strength to aid me on my time of need. Do you heed my call?_ Heat....

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Rough Tongue

"Hold still another minute or two, we almost have the full scan." Vanessa sighed and steadied herself. The tech weenies knew their stuff, and she had known the scans were going to be a long and boring production. They'd said as much when she asked...

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As Rough as Required

This story was written for Serling as his Patreon commission for October. It contains massage related flattening/folding type transformation involving consenting adult males. :3 **As Rough as Required** Harrison had to be honest, he was...

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Rough Lessons

Disclaimer: These stories are purely works of fiction. Nothing is meant to represent actual events that happened or will happen. No part of this is ever supposed to be replicated in real life. As adults, we're responsible for distinguishing between...

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Rough Sparring

_[8:15 am] You: Hey Nina, it's Jamie. You still game for tussling around in the ring?_ _[8:17 am] Nina: Always darling :3_ _[8:17 am] Nina: Name the time and place_ _[8:19 am] You: We'll go to the gym I train at when I get off work at 2; not...

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Roughly Handled

Amanda / Carol / Garth / Laura When I got home from work, Carol wasn't home. It's not all that strange, but these breaks in routine are noticeable because that's what they are. Deviations from the regular flow of our lives. Carol was usually home...

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A Rough Time

_The sun sets, stars begin to appear, the evening comes to his end. I went through all the city to find work even a short-term one but no nothing. Too bad, but my luck will finish turning one day, I'm sure._ _In a meantime, I come home. Some cars...

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2020-06-28 A Rough End to a Rough Day

**A Rough End to a Rough Day By: VeronicaFoxx For: NxPaqu** Elias slammed the door to his apartment shut with quite a bit more force than was necessary. No doubt the nosey neighbor from down the hall would send a complaint to the office, which...

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Rough Start 2

Caleb is happy now. Ben is here with him, even if they just have coffee, Caleb is content, and Ben had said he missed him. But Caleb's not naive, he knows that Ben might never give in to his feelings even if he does love his Snow Leopard. Ben might...

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Rough Start 1

The big Polar Bear stirs and he wakes. He's a bit hungover still. He looks around the room, and doesn't recognize this place. He's only partially dressed. He has his T shirt and socks on, but his pants and underwear are off. And this bed is way too...

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Rough Day At Work

"Where to?" the driver said as I hopped into the back of his car and closed the door. "6th street hotel," I said, buckling my seatbelt. The driver put on his turn signal and slowly pulled away from the sidewalk out onto the busy road. I sat back in my...

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