The Eraser App Chapter 2

It had been two weeks since Louis had last used the Eraser App for sex. He couldn't get it out of his head how he'd gotten Jenny pregnant like that, and how lucky he was that she had someone else to blame it on. He definitely wasn't going to own up to...

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Zootopia: More Than Partners, More Than Friends - Part 17

As soon as Judy's water broke at Skulk Mansion, Nick sprang into action, getting the car ready to transport her to the hospital. Jack could see that his best friend and partner was going to be a nervous wreck trying to keep Judy calm and comfortable...

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Capturing the Erotic

The tiger knelt on the floor and groaned as he was prepped for the next scene. A small fox, which from his perspective looked to be half his size, was busy adjusting the ropes on his body. This was only the start of the day and already he felt tired....

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Fall of man dawn of a new age chapter 2

?Raven Fox and I redid this chapter. We got rid of the point of view and added more plot and what Shelly was doing. Fall of man Chapter 2 the next morning Joe woke up, he felt a set of arms and legs wrapped around his body. He...

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Raiyev Part 19

Somewhere, in a relatively secluded area, a little girl and her mother were weeping at a graveyard. The funeral for the girl's father, who had died while away on business, had taken place only a few days before. No one could have forgotten what had...

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It Started with a Soft Smile - Chapter 3

Derek had know what was going on ever since the first day of classes. The bear, Adam, the folf's roommate, was an easy pick. He was broad, lonely, gay, a perfect choice for a mate and a potential gainer, and so of course Derek, in his giddiness, spread...

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Open Season Chapter 37: Into The Belly Of The Beast

Chapter 37 **Into The Belly Of The Beast** Following Gwen's advice, Kel drew her shields down around her as tightly as she could. As they settled around her, she felt for a moment as if her head was stuffed with cotton. She felt as if she had been...

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The World of a Husky - pt. 4

The World of a Husky Part 4 Too good to be true \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ A few weeks went by and Skyler and Leo continued to date, but thinking...

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The Remaining Ninja, Excluding one

The Beautiful. Hello good friend, pull up a chair and take a drink, perhaps something to eat? of course you would, I'm world famous for my wonderful cooking! so you're here for my life story then, well there's not much to tell, but as you can...

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The Demon's Door

The young widower walked slowly through the market square, basket hanging from his left arm. Carefully, he surveyed the various stalls, looking for exactly what he needed. Soon, he thought, I won't be alone for much longer. That's when he saw him, the...

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Battle Field Love

This is Al'mu. All characters and events belong to me. This is a work of fiction. A.D. 2008- Animals both domesticated and wild population starts to dwindle down to nothing. The human race grew concerned for this blight. A.D. 2010- Humans...

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Chad's Life Chapter 6: Baiko's History

This story should only be viewed by anthro's of the age of 18 or up(including mentality), it contains sexual content not intended for younger viewers. If you like anthro's but not yiffy, please escort yourself to a different site. Otherwise, enjoy and...

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