Floof's Slavery - Chapter 02 - Floof's Incarcelation

The room is 4x4 meters square, and she has little knowledge of what is going to happen with her.

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Orken's Diary (2/???)

Ya habia desayunado, ya estaba bañado y arreglado y ya tenia mi mochila en la mano por lo que me dirijí a la cochera y cuando entre a la cochera no lo podia creer, era una jeep wrangler rubicon 4x4, equipada con neumaticos todo terreno, tumba-burros, faros

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Special Operations: Afghanistan

Making our way back towards the parked 4x4 that served as a mobile warmer, i stumbled on a lump in the snow. i fell flat on my face and onto something warm. behind me, i could hear gary's chuckling.

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Red Winter: Freedom Under Fire - Prologue

"one type 96 is out of action, and a 4x4 truck took an at round and was completely destroyed.  however, the militia units numbered only about one squad in size and were promptly wiped out as they tried to flee," replied the tigress.  

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When The Sun Goes Down Around Here...

Even in his brand-new 4x4, he would be lucky to get out of third gear around here. when the road straightened for a short while, he spared a moment to glance across at his fellow passenger, a large and powerful wolf.

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pet dragon PT4

Well after this he went on to live a happy life, growing to his full size of a 4x4, he then died of old age of 346, which in dragon age is old, he then saw me waiting for him and he licked my face and purred, he was so happy to see me, i was as well

In the Service of Mystery (Pt. 15)

She led us to a 4x4 with an awning covering a radio set and laptop computer trestle table. she set her clipboard on the table and looked at us with her paws on her hips.

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First Day Camping

He looked over to see his girlfriend unloading the last of the gear from his yellow 4x4. he smiled to himself. "thanks. the tent isn't half bad either." ariel rolled her eyes and continued placing her bag into the olive tent.

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Black-Winged Angels Chapter 14: A Promise Fulfilled

"yes, a 4x4 we parked near the town. we'll gonna need more fuel to last through that journey."

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Secluded - Chapter 3: Oscar

Xio watched in the same spot as the three cats walked and chatted towards a lavish looking 4x4 parked on the road.

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Rocky Mountain Times (Chapter 5)

Ryan was already waiting, sitting behind the wheel of a silver lincoln 4x4. he was wearing khaki slacks and a psia sweater. to her surprise, he got out, walked around the cab, and held the door for her.

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In the Service of Mystery (Pt. 13)

We bounced along the driveway until i pulled the car to a halt next to my mother's ancient and battered ex-army 4x4.

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