
These mages then gave all nonhuman species a choice; go to the other lands before the boundary is finished, or be hunted and killed.

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Gryphon and Dragon in a Magical Realm story

Their bodies merge in a seamless embrace, the boundaries between them blurring as they explore the boundaries of pleasure and connection. the gryphon, watches the scene below with a mix of curiosity and fascination.

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Shield of the West

For empathy is stronger still than boundaries you construct. those borders, walls, and fortresses, i will now make destruct.

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Really Frustrating Roommate

Before that fateful night where i had let my frustration get the better of me, we had boundaries. sure, jackie ignored those boundaries all the time, but we still had them. now, all i could do in his grasph was whine, "jackie."

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Friends first, a yiffing philosophy

Still pushing boundaries just a little at a time because after all we are good friends and friends respect each others boundaries.

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He had tried to push those boundaries, too. and she had to give the same saccharine-laden excuses to avoid that awkward conversation.

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Zootopia Spirit Chronicles Chapter 5

Then, where the boundary between the worlds was the weakest, a gate appeared to take them back home. the weakened boundary also let them glimpse at what was occurring in real time in the real world as well.

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Episode 00 - The Planning Stages

Forget crossing boundaries, it's all about going as far as you can and making whole new boundaries! for everything! mixed together!

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Wooing an Angel

The angel automatically backs up, but grycan quickly shrinks his boundary and moves up close to him. "don't think of yourself as a slave." grycan urges, expanding the boundary throughout the entire manor after he wraps an arm around brightcloud's waist.

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Patreon Reward - More Than A Doll

boundaries put in place for fear of repercussions, but... what was the goal of the cor'quessir if not to break those boundaries? how long had backwards thinking held back the glories the empire now experienced?

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[Dolphinsanity, Passer-By] A Meditation on Water

His walls and his boundaries now lie unwatched: able to be breached by forces from without, and ferociously worn away by the restless elemental spirit within.

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CE04 - basics

The domain boundary can either be soft or hard: a hard boundary is one where walking in is like walking into another plane of existence, while a soft boundary is one where reality is distorted in some way near the boss monster.
