Elsewhere, Chapter 3: Dead Rising

She put her breather mask on and pointed a talon at him. "no wisecracks about getting my mask on completely, damn it." she laughed softly and he grinned. "okay, i'll ease up on the ribbing." he winked. "_this_ time."

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Shooting StarChapter 5 - Into The Wilds

The breather masks began to beep in sync with what the orb was referring to. jasmine stopped for a moment as she placed a breather over her mouth and nose, looking over her shoulder and tossing one to z.

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Into the Wild

The breather masks began to beep in sync with what the orb was referring to. jasmine stopped for a moment as she placed a breather over her mouth and nose, looking over her shoulder and tossing one to z.

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Distant Earth CYOA part 5

Next thing the two of them were standing in line for the airlock fitting the small breather units.

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Chapter 3: Welcome to Mars High

And each group wore their own re-breathers and oxygen masks. soon, the shuttle passenger bay door opened, and the terrified passengers flooded out from the shuttle in small clusters of three.

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Fastening the small breather unit to my muzzle i give him one last glare and sink.. it's cold, gooey, sticky, the smell gets past the breather, i hate it... and with one last laugh he says..


The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 26 - Under the Sea

"it ain't all that hospitable to us air breathers down here." she smiled as the water logged group sloshed in. "and now y'all can tell me just how ya three got in this predicament in the first place!"

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Fathom's Phantoms, Ch 3: The Cold Hard Truth

Boone, on the other hand, needed a reinforced hypo-arctic survival suit and even though he had a normalization pack and a breather if that had been damaged then he was done for.

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Meg: right . lord of the underworld. i was on my way back to see him, maybe i can get hades to give wonderboy a breather , if anything happened to that kid...

Journal of an Ultimate Lifeform: Chapter 3 ~ Vengeance Awakened

I managed to escape those pathetic human fools and took a breather in downtown station square. i noticed a downed robot similar to the one that attacked me back on prison island and decided to check it out. i figured it was simply a faulty run.

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true sight

I raised the tempters in the room by a few degrees, which began making it insanely hot; my fur stared stinking together, so i stopped to take a breather.

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