Mewtwo Makes a Master Part 2
That was why he hadn't let her out of the ball just yet, despite checking in at the pokémon center in celadon. she could start pushing at his head, tentatively, yes, but with growing assertiveness when he lied about something being wrong.
Infectious Cruise (Pokemon TF/TGs)
She had heard good things about the cities there, especially the shopping area of celadon. unfortunately, by the time she got there it was closed off completely, something she thought was quite strange.
The Last Tale- Chapter Two
I looked up into her celadon eyes and tried not to squeak. or pee myself. she had that effect on gryphons. her emerald feathers were pristine, and the olive green of her fur immaculate.
Passions Flames Chapter 1: Beginings
At this point my master and me had a reputation as being the closest knit fighting force from celadon, to the point she rarely had to give me orders in combat for us to win.
Love is Color Blind Chapter 3: Communication
The jubilife university botany class had nothing compared to eterna university or celadon community college, but their garden was still very pretty. robin loved to go to it and look at all the pretty arrangements they've done.
Power Down, Tails Up
"that's why i'm the best breeder in celadon." he smirked. "well, the most paid breeder. there are other reasons why i'm the best...and i plan on showing you every single one."
The First Day
"i am eevee of celadon city," she gasped. "better late than never..." mumbled ms. celia as she forced a smile.
Remember the Oath 11 - A Good Park Ruined
Any news following up from celadon city?" "they checked all the houses and nothing's come up.
Chapter 12: Reunion
The distortion world portal brought us out between celadon city and saffron city, but it's still gonna take a little while to get to saffron from here." without waiting for a response, galen got to his feet, and walked over to his tent.
Beyond the League: Chapter 12
He summoned vitesse from her ball, and went for a run with her at his side, sprinting through the streets of celadon to get them warmed up.
Mirages & Bitmaps 03: Getting To Know You
She stood and admired the view; the city had grown quite a bit in the last few years, with shops that nearly rivaled celadon for variety. cici grinned and began pedalling, soon hitting the city limits.
Chapter Ten: Lessons
From there galen and valor went north to saffron city, then west to celadon city. according to galen they were headed for an estate owned by lawrence that could be found west of celadon.