'well, i was trying to commit suicide,' the blonde replied. 'what?' sputtered the doctor. 'you tried to commit suicide by shooting off your finger?' 'no, slly' the blonde said.

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Love Is... Chapter 13

A commitment to love and protect them; to honour and cherish emma, to give his future son or daughter the best possible environment in which to grow up. a commitment born of love, but forged in gold and diamond.

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Trapped Part 1

"i don't, he's famous for committing the act. nobody has committed a murder in over 200 years.

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The Wound

It was strange; they never let any open spaces underground go unused, usually for nests or feeding chambers, as though the crag-biters could tell they weren't supposed to encroach on this place, no foul play had been committed.

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Make Way for Jay! Ch 5

"alright man, here is the deal, i need to know if you are committed to this plan i have." i said "how can i be committed if i don't even know what your plan is?" he asked "well i need to know if i you can put all your loyalty to me for this plan.

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Ch 5

"alright man, here is the deal, i need to know if you are committed to this plan i have." i said "how can i be committed if i don't even know what your plan is?" he asked "well i need to know if i you can put all your loyalty to me for this plan.

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Five Nights at Furries

Some fursuiters are so committed to their fandom, they mostly want to see everyone in a fursuit. the issue is, since fursuits cost a lot, they have to use old, hot, small mascot costumes in storage.

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The one who makes me whole ch. 4

Petunia was distraught about sniffles telling this to handy, would this make him remember why he had tried to commit suicide? _"hello, nice to meet you but i guess i already met you, heh heh."_ said handy with his usual cheery smile.

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A Fine Line Between Love and Friendship

He only remembers what happened 30 minutes before he committed suicide. (contains altoshipping, amourshipping, dewshipping, aura ash and more.)

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Existence Part 2: Tessi the fox and her insanity

A neighbor had seen the cut and called the police, telling them he was trying to commit suicide. ashamed, tessi had confessed she in fact had tried to commit suicide. he was an involuntary commit, and she was voluntary.

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_ we all new that was a load of horse shit, he did it because it was fun, now you may be thinking "wow i'm surprised this guy hasn't committed suicide yet."

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Hope and Sorrow

Despite the soft center it may bare, its rough edges prove to be subjective to commitment. i am willing to continue with the voyage; ready and willing to commit. all i want to find is the promise of a future that i was given as a child.

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