Tales of Torrnal: Chapter 3

Jeseia said with a slight smile to her lips, "all five of the elements must train you in how to properly commune and guide them. water is perhaps the easiest to begin with, so we'll start there.

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Poem #8

The throb and ache fills my hands, my feet and legs, as i kneel here, communing with the land, i feel mother earth, she knows something is comming.


Wild Thing

In the centaur communes in particular, no one wanted anything to do with a zoophile. perhaps she didn't get jail time like the humans did for sex with animals, but her life was just as ruined.

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Space Invaders VI: The Passing Part I

And correct me if i'm wrong, elder, but the commune are the enemy!" "you have destroyed the already fragile relationship we had with the commune. it will take decades, if not a century, to undo what you have done."

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Quick One Shot: The Harvest God's Will

You will commune with her the same way we have communed tonight." she didn't get to say any more before we both tackled her in a hug. we sobbed and blurted out thanks. i admit that i was still coming out of the shock of being murdered.

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Tales of Torrnal: Chapter 7

All three, water, air, and earth were there and communing at once. like listening to three shouting conversations at the same time in a small room. "there's too many, i can't make sense of the noise."

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Tales of Torrnal: Chapter 6

I closed my eyes, tuning out air and water as they tried to commune with me. i needed to focus on something that didn't tell me it was there. i needed to focus on that which didn't move.

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A Multitude of Stars...Chapter 1

commune members were flitting about as they discussed philosophy and the meaning of existence. i scoff under my breath. amateurs; all of them.

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Animal Hunger

I wrote this to celebrate and figured i'd share it--if for no other reason than to dispel any rumors that i've gone off the grid to live in an amish commune. (frankly, that was fun for about the first three hours.)

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Stallion's Suitor

Casual conversation rose; the influx and outflux of cents into the commune, and who was having a hard time settling into their roles here.


On Draconis Elementa

It turns out, that was winter, he had communed with a spirit that no others had and been given an element all of his own. the element of cold, or ice, as he named it later.

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Phoenix Coven - Chapter 31

._ _6:00 pm_ once his obedience equipment had been removed, bishop walked down with tommy, zarch, amon, and galen to the commune bath. once zarch opened the door, bishop viewed the bathing pool with an impressed expression.

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