11 - Of Fox & Wolf, Part 1

#20 of shadowdancer shadowdancer by dracon [notice: the characters and events within are inspired by the "gargoyles" tv series and as such credit goes to the creators of said series.

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10 - ATOI&F - And Then There Was Silence...

#19 of shadowdancer shadowdancer by dracon [notice: the characters and events within are inspired by the "gargoyles" tv series and as such credit goes to the creators of said series.

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The Taker Gets Taken (part 4)

There stood the draconic sabre-wolf, though everyone in the room knew better, as he stared at the camera with his arms crossed. "serathin, i'm glad to see you're alright," the siberian tiger said. "and you, august."

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Bleiz Gets a Call - Short Story

The lights activated as Bleiz entered his apartment, covered from head to toe in mud, filth, and a high certainty of some of his own blood. "At least the medic was able to patch me up right there and then." Bleiz thought, "Can't afford the time to get...

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The Taker Gets Taken (part 3)

For a minute there was nothing, just the sound of the draconic sabre-wolf's own breathing as he waited for a response.

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The Taker Gets Taken (part 2)

One of the doctors that had been observing the exchange on the massive viewscreen said as the draconic sabre-wolf laid there completely immobile.

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Commission: Tournament on Monster Island Part 6

The two different tones of draconic roaring rose through the island, the british trained soldier of a blue reptile raced towards her opening in the air, claws extended wide as she felt her fingers interlock with the tournament hostess.

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The Taker Gets Taken (part 1)

Not much is really known about him except he is a hybrid with draconic heritage that also derives from some sort of saber-toothed species.

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Blissful Ignorance- an HSD story

Dite herqulean, trooper do'co, the cult of bliss, and arcology 49 are created by psion42 the hc svnt dracones setting is the creation of weapons grade funk a short fanfic of sorts written to help me get into the setting of hsd and a character i created for

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Serpentis Mechanica Regnum

He could feel the welding happen as a pair of horns were placed upon him, his mind was filled with the image of one of the draconic servants of vuul.

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The Draconic Rite of Passage

In the center of the great chamber illuminated by bewitched globes inserted into the walls of the cavern laid the great beast, the draconic patron of the entire kobold warren.

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A Draconic Cave Exploration

Lisa has always been a great explorer, so she is especially excited about today as she is exploring a large cave next to her small town. She is only 17 years old, but she has already explored several landscapes, and today it is her turn to visit the...

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