Unexpected Adventure (C-snake)

Kon could feel his whole body relaxed after he drank the ‘dreamer'. the liquid in his belly soon turned into burning heat throughout his body. "blizz... what is ‘dreamer' actually? it makes me feel so ... so wrong..."

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A Nightmare Cum True (Deathwing x Ysera)

"i accept your challenge, dreamer girl," deathwing replied as he loomed over her, thrusts accelerating to meet her forcefulness.

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A Letter, addressed to whomever will read it.

The fandom is full of dreamers. we are all dreamers here. isn't it about time that someone steps up and says, "hey. we need to wake up."


The Good Die Young - Preface

Also called the dreamer _shia-tam_, the frozen muse. female, known for being wicked as she is playful. _tyagore_, the giant or steel god. serious nature, cold but loyal.

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Chamber of Honesty

#4 of dreamer the following is erotic in nature.

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Conscious thought fully returns, the dreamer becoming lucid once more. there is still weightlessness and the steady beat of a heart. my heart? am i alive oncemore? "yes, your name is liam foster.

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Foundations, Ch. 9

He sometimes thought that the only reason his father even liked churchy shit was because of the romantic dreamer inside him.

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