Leave Nothing but Footprints

This time around it's craig, the badger from the other story, running into edgar the otter at the lakeside.

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Interview with Cerberus

I'm edgar ogion." one after another the heads answered, first the one to the right of edgar: "i'm jason." then the middle "jack" and finally to the right "name's james." edgar, still smiling friendly, froze with that very expression.

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BioLab 1

You had to say "edgar, come here", it could figure out it was edgar, and where 'here' was. ok, it had \*some\* language skills. it even knew to stop before bumping into you 'here'.

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edgar said, flexing his cock inside the fox's mouth.

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Species Swap-Rita

"you're to do whatever edgar wants, understood? or i'll make you wish you had." rita held still only to begin trembling as she felt the pine marten caressing her leg. what would edgar make her do?! "don't worry, your grace," edgar murmured.

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Chapter 9: Interim Governor

Rita watched her as she hastened out the door then looked back to edgar. "she's a bit skittish. still, i think the two of you will learn to get along. have you had anything for dinner, edgar?" edgar shook his head.

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The House Of The Dragons - Chapter 1

His tone strangely seemed to put edgar at ease despite his frightful situation. edgar lifted his head lightly, curious at this new visitor. he didn't feel any malice from him...

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The New Duchess

My name's edgar hatheway. you wanna way outta this? i can tell the police this was all a...misunderstanding." "if?" edgar finally put the shotgun down on the counter.

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Amber Silverblood: Chapter Twelve

Dex walked in, followed by edgar. "hi, amber!" the kid said, a huge smile lighting up his face the moment he saw me- just as creepy as ever. i turned to dex, ignoring edgar's greeting. "what do you want?"

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Amber Silverblood: Silverpack, Chapter Twenty

With a snarl, he pulled edgar back and slammed him so hard into the brick wall that a little bit of snow fell from the roof onto their heads. he leaned in close to edgar, baring his teeth like an animal.

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Jarring Changes 2

edgar followed her, and once they got into the room and she lit her jar, edgar smiled. "ah yes, jar." edgar chuckled.

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InterRealm - Chapter 2

"just taking it all in, sir," edgar said pensively, staring out the front windshield. "trying to keep a level head about things. not that i don't trust you to do the same," he added quickly. "no need to bullshit to me, edgar," oren sighed.

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