The Prince and the Dragon 4- Elizabeth

The gods skins are of magnificent colors and glisten as if they were made of water, you have neither of those attributes heretic!"

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prologue - A taste

My brothers and sisters in christ, a storm is heading for rome, it holds those who follow the heretical crescent above the almighty cross.

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Dagaron Chronicles: The Dark Age - Prelude

He and his followers are so quick to persecute those who are considered heretics, anything they do not understand or deem unholy, things that are different from the norm of man.

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Rictus Cenotaph: Chapter 3 - Insurrection

The assault from the covenant fleet was met with equal violence from the oppressive fire of the heretic fleet, who had seamlessly appeared with a massive assembly of banshees, and presumably pirated scarabs!

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The Sorrows of the Church

His trial was nearing he could sense it, he was one of the few prisoners left, most have gone free by promising to pay money to the church as part of the ruling council tax, others however who refuse to submit end up being executed as heretics and blasphemers

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Yet their deeds are barely enough to keep the ever-present threat of xenos, heretics, mutants and worse at bay. to live in that time means to be one among many billions. it means living under an unimaginably cruel and bloody regime.

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525 Vermilion Lane-Chapter 3-Raid

You seem...different though, not like the other heretics i've encountered." 'heretics?", takhir asked.

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Defector: Chapter 2

(Please note that the previous chapter (with the exception of the first 6 paragraphs), and this chapter are past events being told from the present from the point of the said character, and will not flow. Rather this chapter is several months after the...

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Defector: Chapter 1

Defector Chapt 1 The sea had always been the place for me, it was the only place where I could feel safe and secure. You could hide in the vast oceans of water, whether it be from enemies, friends, or even yourself. It also held treasures...

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The Knight and the Wizard

"not if you can, heretic!" palyn proclaimed. berze stared at him for a moment, putting the pieces together. "so... you think i'm a bad guy." palyn nodded empathetically. "and because i'm the bad guy... anything i do is bad."

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To Be Regretful

heretic or not. and as for tsuki. i agree with what j was saying earlier." this made blake shift himslef to look up at the still tied up wolf. "i want a tattoo also," j started off looking at the ceiling.

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Ice and Wind

That knowledge had come from the same place that the snowflake symbol he'd seen earlier had, a text he was to file away as heretical and not for public consumption. one that he'd casually read while completing the rest of his tasks.

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