Working with Animals, Chapter Four

His ears having gone back to their former jackass state and his feet transformed into a pair of solid black hooves like before.

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Ch. 3: The necklace's secret

"then you can call me a jackass." he said jokingly aside. there was a moment of silence going through the room once again. dean and tyson looked at each other with no expression on their faces. then the guys started to laugh. "jackass! what a joke!"

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Jack(assing) Off

He'd always fantasized about having a massive jackass-sized member between his own, wondering what it would feel like to stroke off with a donkey-sized cock.

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The Knights tale...

And just as plainly no one had ever put anything up his ass, something the nasty old jackass planned to correct in the near future.

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The City of San Yesenya (intro)

People of all colors, lineages and species shot each other dirty looks as they hurriedly banged shoulders against the oncoming foot traffic, middle fingers going up whenever that jackass (and on rare occasions, yes, it was actually a jackass) in front of you

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The Neutering Machine...

The old jackass snickered again, and started thrusting harder when he felt the ram's hands on his heavy, sweaty balls.

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Club Bunnies Part One

Rose said as she took a sip of her margarita , jonna was an okay friend, sean thought, well as okay as anyone could be, though he could be a bit of a jackass, okay a right jackass but he was a friend to a degree, not a good or preferable degree, but to a degree

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We're all Dudes in Here! (Donkey TF)

Quinn's newly developed hooves were on him in an instant, his turgid jackass member inserting itself into jake's lubricated pucker.

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A Change in Focus

You say that you then did cause ryan to be changed of form, becoming a large jackass, a monster jackass, and then why if you have such powers would you go after angela and make of her to be a bull animal, there is some truth as still unsaid."

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Trooper Chapter 1

No sign of that jackass! normally, the donkey missing a day was a godsend. even being late was normally a relief. oddly enough, i felt a twinge of disappointment. can you believe it? i actually felt disappointed that the jackass was absent!

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High School Transformation: Ch 1 Ed

Pulling his right fingers out, he stuck them into his wet, moist mouth and covered them in saliva from his new thickened tongue, gliding his new hoof like fingertips around the flattening jackass teeth forming there.

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